Thursday, August 27, 2020
Marketing communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Showcasing correspondence - Assignment Example Stations developing disconnected advertising will incorporate the utilization of boards, open connection strategies, radio and TV media, mail requests and utilization of customary print channels, for example, papers and magazines. With the utilization of the considerable number of components of advertising blend (for example item, value, place, advancement and bundling), an organization can build up the IMC (Kotler, 2000). In this paper, the aim is to recommend IMC methodologies for McWendy’s, a neighborhood café serving cheap food to the network, to dispatch its items effectively. In inexpensive food retail chain organizations, where markets are developing to development and restriction is getting progressively furious, one may see of constrained chances. In any case, with lower passage and leave hindrances, it is conceivable to do well with another item dispatch, catching the massive extent of development and upper hands. It has been a critical worry in this setting development helps in giving a layout to arranging the improvement system (OECD, 2014). McWendy’s may investigate apathetically at the poor guilty pleasure offer. Moreover, the chain’s separated capacities in building up an assortment of items and dealing with its boss quality basics could put this fragment under McWendy’s reach. Customers of unadulterated luxury may speak to a standard new target, a gathering that McWendy’s can reach with more eagerness in its imaginativeness, which is again duplicated through the dispatch of the new item. To succeed, McWendy’s m ay need to reconsider about upgrading the store understanding and satisfying the need of its customers, reachable through prevalent taste, administration quality upkeep and legitimate worry to supportability issues (Antonsson and et. al., 2011). The enthusiasm for sound staples has expanded altogether in the previous hardly any decades, which has made another open door for McWendy’s. McWendy’s
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ben and Jerry for Business Media-
Question: Talk about theBen and Jerry for Business Media. Answer: Presentation: Established in the time of 1978, by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Ben and Jerry surely had a modest starting that anyway seen remarkable accomplishment over the coming years (Pol Wolle, 2016). The dessert organization offers an assortment of frozen yogurt flavors to its purchasers, including the rarest and most novel ones, for example, graham wafer twirls and fudge gestures of goodwill. One of the central point that add to the brand acknowledgment of the organization is that the organization isn't exclusively determined by the intention of benefit augmentation. The association likewise figures out how to remain in spotlight attributable to its commitment to significant social causes, for example, marriage fairness and bovine inviting cultivating strategies. Despite the fact that the association progresses in the direction of the achievement of a pre-decided arrangement of techniques, it is critical to assess the methodologies and offer successful proposals for the equivalent. Corporate Goals and Strategies of Ben and Jerry: In spite of the fact that Ben and Jerry has figured out how to increase a lot of acknowledgment in the market of premium frozen yogurts, it encounters extreme rivalry from organizations, for example, Haagen Dazes. Consequently, so as to continue itself in future, and increase serious edge over adversary firms, the organization expects to give frozen yogurts that are delicious, but on the other hand are dietary in content. One of the vital objectives of Ben and Jerry is to offer rich substance of supplements, minerals and nutrients to the shoppers, in order to guarantee that the devoured items additionally produce medical advantage to the purchasers. The nature of the frozen yogurt items helps in recognizing the Ben and Jerry dessert items from its rivals, and subsequently the according to the technique of the organization, it charges a superior cost from its buyers. The methodology of the organization has consistently been to accentuate its solid, additive free, healthful fixings, an d thus the slogans of its advertising efforts like Food isn't a Science Experiment has additionally worried on this particular perspective just (Bourgeois et al., 2013) . Since the objectives of the association has consistently been to make a practical world, its system has additionally been to help social causes, for example, making mindfulness in regards to the issue of environmental change through its items, just as showcasing efforts like Save our Swirled Campaign, that advance the brand as well as help demonstrating its most extreme devotion to social causes (Endmondson, 2014). It ought to be noted here that while the hierarchical objective of the organization has been to sell and disseminate the best nature of normal frozen yogurts to its customers, its technique has been to adjust its objectives to advertising methodologies that maintain social foundations for a reasonable worldwide network. Investigation of the Corporate Goals and Strategies and the Recommendations for the Same: As a very premium frozen yogurt association, Ben and Jerry needs to hold its position, and along these lines its buying supervisory crew needs to assume a basic job. As a matter of first importance, so as to charm the buyers, the buying supervisory crew must present item improvement, whereby the frozen yogurt items can offer solid fixings alongside one of a kind delectable flavors. As Ben and Jerry has been known for creating probably the most irregular frozen yogurt flavors, which have neglected to charm the desires of the buyers. Subsequently, less known, abnormal and all around tried frozen yogurt flavors, for example, the kinds of normal natural product blend, coconut or crude mango can without much of a stretch draw the consideration of the customers (Arbucke, 2013). While this will underwrite the companys commitment to offer genuine, solid and near nature fixings, it will offer a wide assortment of novel flavors to the purchasers too. Moreover, the natural dessert industry is l ikewise seeing an immense deal development, inferable from the expanding wellbeing awareness of the customers. The natural desserts are solid, and wealthy in supplements, but at the same time are without fat items. Considering the way that the authoritative objective of Ben and Jerry has been to advance a sound way of life, the buying supervisory crew can create improved solidified food, wealthy in natural fixings like natural milk, natural cream and natural egg yolks. The significant objective of Ben and Jerry is additionally to create income development over the coming years, and the equivalent can be cultivated if the buying branch of the association can enhance its items and begin delivering an assortment of new items, including frozen yogurt treats and dessert burgers (Johnson, 2014). This will help in item separation and will empower the organization increase serious edge over the opponent firms. End: To finish up, it ought to be recollected that Ben and Jerry as a dessert organization is profoundly recognized by the opponent firms, by its devotion to create the best quality all-characteristic frozen yogurt items. Since the organization expects to offer an incentive to the network, it must concentrate on offering an assortment of common flavors to the purchasers. In any case, it ought not bargain with the flavor of its items, and simultaneously, its showcasing efforts must encourage an organization picture of social activism that thusly will help in improving the brand steadfastness of the shoppers. Reference List: Arbuckle, W. S. (2013).Ice cream. Springer Science Business Media. Common III, L. J., Bourgeois III, L. J., Mariani, E., Mariani, E., Yu, V. J., Yu, V. J., ... Yu, V. J. (2017). Ben Jerry's and Unilever: The Bohemian and the Behemoth.Darden Business Publishing Cases, 1-11. Edmondson, B. (2014).Ice Cream Social: The Struggle for the Soul of Ben Jerry's. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Johnson, P. F. (2014).Purchasing and flexibly the executives. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. van de Pol, M., Wolle, A. L. (2016). Brand augmentation in the FMCG area: An investigation of shoppers mentalities towards a brand expansion with regards to Ben Jerrys proposed dispatch of a sans dairy frozen yogurt in the Nordic market. Weele, A. J., Raaij, E. M. (2014). The fate of buying and flexibly the executives look into: About significance and rigor.Journal of Supply Chain Management,50(1), 56-72.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Mastering Your MBA Finances Income During Business School (Part 1)
Blog Archive Mastering Your MBA Finances â€" Income During Business School (Part 1) Once you have been accepted to your target MBA program, things start to move very quickly, and you will need to begin planning for your transition to business school right away. Understanding the financial realities of your MBA education is an important first step, and we have created this comprehensive, five-part “Mastering Your MBA Finances†series to help you do so. In this first installment of the series, we examine typical MBA internship salaries and signing bonuses. Earning an MBA offers intellectual growth, a respite from the typical workday, and an opportunity to make new friends and contacts, but the main reason most candidates pursue this degree is to improve their managerial skills and make a professional leap. In short, an MBA is an investmentâ€"one that should lead to a higher salary immediately upon graduation and for many years after. Most business school students are able to offset at least part of their living and educational expenses with the income from their summer position and their signing bonus(es), and some individuals also earn scholarships. A very small number of full-time students may continue to workâ€"and thereby draw a salaryâ€"as they complete their studies, but this is not necessarily a feasible option for all, because MBA programs tend to be all consuming. So you may be wondering, What kind of compensation can I expect to receive during my MBA program as a source for financing my education? What will my internship salary be like? How much might a signing bonus be? In this first part of our series, we explore these questions to help you develop the “revenue†side of your MBA student budget. Starting with internship salaries, let us examine the income data the MBA programs provide in their career reports. You can see in the following table that for the most part, the summer salaries for students across a smattering of top business schools are relatively similar. Counterintuitively, Harvard Business School (HBS) and the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), which typically top the rankings with regard to average post-MBA salary, are actually at the bottom of this list. (We surmise that these programs may have lower averages than one would expect, because more of their students take chances with entrepreneurial summer positions, feeling certain that they can later land a more stable full-time position, if necessary.) If you were to create a budget line for your internship income, a safe number to use might be the $18,069 average internship salary seen with this selection of programs. Although some MBA students also receive performance bonuses during the summer, to be conservative, we will consider only the average guaranteed compensation for our discussion here. Source: 2014 MBA Program Career Reports (for all schools listed in table), data for Class of 2015 Now we have the beginnings of a revenue picture! Of course, not all job functions draw salaries that hew to the averagesâ€"some are above, while some fall below. In our next table, we parse the data provided by Dartmouth Tuck to give you a better understanding of what you might expect across industries. Source: Dartmouth Tuck 2014 Career Report, data for Class of 2015 In this table, you will see that consulting salaries are the most generous, while those for the other industries listed are somewhat evenly distributed, with the nonprofit sector (as is typical) paying the least. So, if you are certain that you want to enter consulting, you might be able to bump your salary expectations upward; if you are dedicated to entering the nonprofit world, you might need to adjust your expectations downward. Of course, you will not be able to assume all of your summer salary as income, because you will still have expenses to cover during this time, and you also have to pay taxes. Nonetheless, most MBAs should be able to save some money during the summer. If you do a great job in your summer internship, the firm just might offer you a full-time job, and if you agree to accept that position, you will likely receive a signing bonus. In industries such as financial services and consulting, signing bonuses are very much the norm and are by and large standardized across the industry. In other industries, however, such payouts can vary. Still, an MBA can look to a median signing bonus of approximately $25,000 as a guide, and this can certainly help pay some second-year bills. Source: MBA Program Career Reports (top 15 programs), Class of 2014 So, if you were to take these somewhat standard compensation elements of the MBA experience and add them together, you would have a $43,000 total revenue line. Source: MBA Program Career Reports (top 15 programs), Class of 2014 Still other revenue opportunities are available, of courseâ€"scholarships and offsets like tax credits, for exampleâ€"but at the most basic level, we can assume that you will earn approximately $43,000 over the course of your MBA program if you pursue a conventional professional track. Check back next week, when we discuss unexpected revenue sources that can reshape your student budget. And if you are looking for even more strategies for funding your degree and minimizing your debt burden, download the free MBA Student Loan Reduction Primer! Share ThisTweet Business School News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Fresh Perspective for Marine Electrical Distribution Free Essay Example, 4250 words
Direct current (DC) is an alternative to alternating current (AC). Electronic circuits are mostly operated and run by low-voltage DC, and this is applicable and ideal for equipment and machines in large ships. A direct current is also produced by an electronic circuit, with capacitors, resistors, and transformers, to convert the alternating current. DC has many advantages compared with AC. One of the most significant advantages is the absence of inductance losses and harmonic problems. Certainly, DC systems would be preferred over AC systems if the advantages of AC devices such as transformers, three-phase induction, and synchronous machines were not present. AC electromagnetic machines do no face any real competition because of the poorer performance and higher maintenance of any such alternatives. AC electromagnetic machines are unlikely to be replaced with anything having compatible performance characteristics in the near future. The combination of an electric generator with a di esel engine or a gas turbine is perhaps the most effective way to produce electrical power for the foreseeable future. DC generators no longer have a real place in large marine electrical systems, as they are heavy, expensive, and can provide only limited voltage, imposed by the limitations of commutators. We will write a custom essay sample on Fresh Perspective for Marine Electrical Distribution or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Aerospace Engineering - 1588 Words
Aerospace Engineering has paved the way for a vast majority of today’s modern technologies; it has contributed to the research and development of stealth, reconnaissance, and commercial aircraft. Aerospace engineering has made revolutionary breakthroughs in the development of both fighter jet and rocket designs, including pilot/passenger safety, thus forever changing the outlook of travel and warfare. One might ask; what is Aerospace engineering? Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering that contributes to the design, development, and production of aircraft or related systems such as rockets, spacecraft, and missiles. Aerospace engineering is closely tied to aeronautical engineering and†¦show more content†¦This leads to the development of stealth and reconnaissance aircraft. Stealth aircraft are commonly coated with a special poly graphite skin. This allows for the aircraft to absorb and deflect radar signals, much like the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs and deflects radiation. The abilities of a stealth aircraft are somewhat limited to an extent that it cannot engage an enemy in a dogfight proficiently, meaning it’s offense is better than it’s defense especially in the case that the enemy is a ground target. Another limitation to the stealth’s design is that once a stealth fires it’s weapons or releases a payload it becomes visible to conventional radar systems. A closer look into how these nearly invisible aircraft become as bright as day on radar; stealth aircraft along with some reconnaissance aircraft have internal armament which means that each time a weapon bay opens to fire its payload the non-insulated weaponry becomes â€Å"exposed†, in turn the radar and infrared signals are able to bounce off the exposed area and reveal a portion of the stealth as well as record it’s position. Reconnaissance aircraft do not rely on stealth as much as a traditional military radarShow MoreRelatedAerospace Engineering Essay1361 Words  | 6 PagesAerospace Engineering has paved the way for most of modern day technologies; it has contributed to the development of stealth, reconnaissance, and commercial aircraft, its made revolutionary breakthroughs in both fighter jet and rocket designs including pilot/passenger safety, forever changing the outlook of travel and modern warfare and travel. One might say; what is Aerospace engineering? Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, developmentRead MoreTechnical Report On Aerospace Engineering2349 Words  | 10 PagesLike any job out there aerospace engineering has more than one type of formal writing that must be completed. Aerospace engineering deals with writing reports and information request. Report writing is important in aerospace engineering because an engineer must report on the progress made so they can remember their work. Here is what the Manual for technical report writing has to say on the content of a report, â€Å"A technical report generally contains a clear outline of the problem, mathematical equationsRead MoreA Brief Look at Aerospace Engineering542 Words  | 2 PagesDiscover Engineering: Aerospace Engineering According to, engineering is a branch of science and technology that works with design and building. Also engineering is a career that focuses on solving problems by using the design process.Engineers work on the following: they solve, design, test and building things that humans use on a daily use. The Engineering Profession Chemical Engineering- According to chemical engineering is solve problems by using science, forRead MoreThe Physics Of Aerospace Engineering Essay1574 Words  | 7 PagesGrowing up he knew he wanted to go into engineering but wasn’t completely sure which type he would enjoy the most. He was most interested in outer space and also cars and design. After his acceptance to Purdue, he turned to several upperclassmen for advice and their knowledge of the Engineering school and the programs. They told him about Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and how similar they were. After some thought, he decided that in aerospace engineering because of his interest in outer spaceRead MoreSample Resume : Aerospace Engineering2946 Words  | 12 PagesKingston University The faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing ME5014 Quality Assignment Aerospace Engineering Second Year Academic Year 2014-2015 Saber Ahmed Konstantin Volkov K1354529 Contents Introduction 3 Origins of ISO9001 3 Requirements 4 Preparations 9 Benefits of Certification 9 Certification Process 10 Retaining Certification 10 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 12 Introduction Within any given industry, a level of quality has to be ascertained as to ensure that clientsRead MoreThe Importance Of College Careers In The University Of Oxford University1639 Words  | 7 Pageswere the University of Colorado Boulder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Oxford University. I have remained interested in both the University of Colorado Boulder and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as they offer world class aerospace engineering programs, which is the career that I hope to pursue throughout college. Additionally, the University of Colorado Boulder offers in-state tuition, which can greatly help reduce the cost of tuition. However, I have since lost interest in OxfordRead MoreComputer Engineering, Engineering And Astronautical Engineering1524 Words  | 7 Pageserospace engineering pertains to aircrafts and spacecraft, it involves researching, developing, constructing. It can be split into two major fields; aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aeronautics is concerned with aircraft that fly within Earth’s atmosphere whereas astronautics is concerned with spacecrafts. The focus of this Aerospace Engineering (Aeronautics) project and production was to build an aircraft. It was to increase maneuverability while keeping control and stabilityRead MoreBon Voyage949 Words  | 4 Pagesschool, Karnal, in 1976. She went on to pursue her Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical engineering through Punjab Engineering College. She happened to be the only girl in the aeronautics branch. Though her family initially resisted her decision to pursue a career in aeronautics, they finally relented, knowing her determined nature. This led on to a Master of Science degree in Aerospace engineering from Texas University in 1984, again after having to fight it out with her father who was veryRead MoreAerospace Engineering Design And Project Management1023 Words  | 5 Pages Kingston University London AE 5021 Aerospace Engineering Design and Project Management Aircraft Review Module Leader: Prof. Jian Wang Assignment set by: P.E. Barrington Student Name and KU ID: Ali Bafakih†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. K1313927 Contents: â€Æ' Introduction: The aviation sector is growing rapidly and it makes a lot of money, as shown in the figure 1, the aviation sector grows about 5% to 6.5% yearly. The figure also shows that aviation sector will continue growing for the next 30 years almostRead MoreBoeing 7471369 Words  | 6 PagesBoeing is the world’s largest and perhaps most well-known aerospace firm. According to their website (, the company operates in three principal segments -commercial airplanes; military aircraft and missiles; and space and communications. The commercial airplane division consists of the 717, 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777 families of jetliners and the Boeing business jet. Boeing faces stiff competition from international aerospace companies seeking to increase market share, the most prominent
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ban Sugary Foods Should Not Be Removed - 757 Words
Some argues that currently, almost one third of Americans are obese and obesity rate is considered as sum serious nation epidemic trend, and is thus, associated with 300,000 individual’s death each year. While there have been numerous debates on whether to ban sugary foods, sodium products in the vending machines at schools, not many realize its cost of regulating such products; and its effect to civilians due to the cost associated with it. Upon performing my research on numerous articles, it is thereby agreed that unhealthy food should not be removed. Moreover, throughout my research it has come apparent that healthy foods are generally expensive, and their availability is limited. Instead of depriving consumer’s choices and focusing on small-scale changes, the government should focus on the educational side of teaching awareness and implement new food policies to meet meal standards revised by the officials. Considering the rate of obesity and its consequences of in-taking poor nutritious foods, it is comprehensible as to why there is a necessity of removing junk foods. However, a complete restriction on food that does not satisfy the federal standard is a bad idea stated by Sherri McGinnis (2014). In addition to her statement, the study also found that the removal of low nutritious food could potentially increase consumption rates of such from vending machines, a la carte lines, because students can still purchase anything they wish to consume through an outsideShow MoreRelatedEliminating Sugary Drinks And Foods From The Mayo Clinic Campuses1147 Words  | 5 PagesEliminating Sugary Drinks and Foods from the Mayo Clinic Campuses WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. This is a message from the City and County of San Francisco†(Tama, M., 2015). Will this warning detour the American public from drinking sugary beverages? In 2011-2013, the Center for Disease Control reported that two states Colorado and Hawaii had less than 20% obesity. The Midwest led the country with a 28.7% obesity rate. When surveyedRead MoreThe Food Industry Is Good At Selling Half Truths1480 Words  | 6 Pagesobesity. The food industry is good at selling half-truths since they are making America an â€Å"obesogenic†environment. The sugar industry and large food companies are the prime culprits behind America’s obesity and diabetes epidemic. According to former President Bill Clinton, â€Å"We’ve got to change the way we produce and consume food.†Instead, we’re leading the way on producing the world’s deadliest diet and expor ting it to other countries. Healthy-eating activist want the government to tax sugary sodasRead MoreSchools Can Reduce Childhood Obesity Essay2214 Words  | 9 Pagesbecome accustomed to occasionally participating in physical activities and regularly snacking on sugary treats. In result of these tendencies, approximately one third of American children are currently overweight or obese (Goodwin). These grim statistics effectively represent all the lack of adult interference, in regards to health, has done to the youth of America. The habits of over consuming foods and under participating in physical activities are all too common in the children of today. ChildrenRead MoreSHOULD REFINED WHITE SUGAR AND HIGH FRUCTOSE SUGAR PRODUCTS BE REMOVED FORM SCHOOL VENDING AND FOOD SERVICE PROGRAMS?1816 Words  | 8 Pagesis the vast amount of fats and sugars in American diets. A larger portion of the health problem is the amount of sugar ingested daily in various foods. Schools all o ver the country are stocking their vending machines with junk food full of white refined sugar. For these, and many other reasons, high fructose and white refined sugar must be removed of school lunches and or vending machines. In the United States, approximately twenty thousand vending machines are in use in schools. It is estimatedRead MoreThe Importance of Healthy Eating3224 Words  | 13 Pagesthe foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet. Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods weRead MoreThe Importance of Healthy Eating3208 Words  | 13 Pagesthe foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet. Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods we eatRead MoreLet’s Look At This Realistically: What to do about Bottled Water3022 Words  | 13 Pagesof totals votes. (GMA, 2013) More people choose tap water before overpriced bottled water. The taste between normal tap water cannot be extremely different if people cannot distinguish is in a taste test and for the amount that consumers pay there should be a difference in taste. Others point out that the price to buy plastic water bottles is also outrageous. People pay for water from the tap as well as bottled water when they are pretty much the same thing. The Wildlife Research Conservation pageRead MorePepsico Case8696 Words  | 35 Pagesand Socially Responsible Culture COMPANY OVERVIEW PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world. It manufactures and sells eighteen brands of beverages and snack foods and generates over $98 billion in retail sales. PepsiCo encompasses the Pepsi Cola, Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker, and Gatorade brands and offers products in over 200 countries. It currently holds 36 percent of the total snack food market share in the U.S. and 25 percent of the market share of the refreshmentRead MoreItc Snacks and Biscuits8499 Words  | 34 Pagesbingo and yippee is quick light snack with some different features. Ready to eat food like yippee and pasta provide 2 minute noodles. Bingo with different new innovative flavors provides crunchy potato light snacks. 2. PESTLE ANALYSIS: * Political: Production and Distribution licenses have been liberalized. Excise duty on biscuits removed for biscuits priced below Rs.100 per kg. Custom duty on food processing machinery reduced from 7.5% to 5%. Indian Agriculture Research InstituteRead MoreDesigning a Customer Driven Statergy23698 Words  | 95 Pagesearly 1990s, however, Dunkin’ was losing breakfast sales to morning sandwiches at McDonald’s and Burger King. Starbucks and other high-end cafes began sprouting up, bringing more competition. Sales slid as the company clung to its strategy of selling sugary doughnuts by the dozen. In the mid-1990s, however, Dunkin’ shifted its focus from doughnuts to coffee in the hope that promoting a more frequently consumed item would drive store traffic. The coffee push workedâ€â€coffee now makes up 62 percent of sales
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Phantom of the Opera free essay sample
In the Phantom of the Opera, Erik is ill famed for turning Operas into disastrous slaughterhouses and everybody fear and dislike him for that. He makes ridiculous demands and every single one of them is met accordingly; for if his demands were not met, he warns the Opera owner of the fatal consequence he could inflict. The Opera’s owner is terrified and is compelled to sell of his property, so as to avoid any contact whatsoever with this shadowy figure. But the Phantom just does not stop there and because his judgment of right from wrong is impaired, he actually goes on to cut off the chandeliers when he gets angry at the managers and let his temper get the best out of him. This little expression of anger as perceived by the Phantom is not so little, as 25-50 people lose theirs lives. Now judging from that, it becomes lucid why Raoul or anybody would now have developed an intense feeling of hatred for and fear of the Phantom. We will write a custom essay sample on The Phantom of the Opera or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But He continues his nightmarish ventures and goes on to kill Firmin because he was doing his â€Å"Christine†a favor. He does not have that sense of awareness or better still, that sense of right from wrong to tell him that he was not supposed to murder somebody in order to help somebody out. But Then again, you can’t be too harsh on the Phantom, for the facts that He is badly disfigured and mentally impaired. Judging from his lack of perception, his crime of killing Firmin may seem justifiable, because he does not know what to do in the kind of situation he found himself in. He deeply loved Christine (whom he thought he had given the beautiful voice to and therefore was responsible for Raoul’s love for her) and was not about to let any thing hurt her. But the lack of judgment is just one of his weaknesses that makes you want to sympathize with him and not label him as a simple cold blooded murderer. His other weakness lies in his physical appearance; he seems to be self-conscious about his appearance when he tells Christine about no body wanting to like him and being denied of motherly love. And it is upon this rejection; he goes on to blame his killing on fate and how he was destined to be that way. When he reveals that side of himself to us, we have no choice then but to sympathize with him. In final analysis, the Phantom no doubt is a scary sight to look at, and also a cunning and lethal character to take for granted. He uses his cunningness and craftiness to manipulate and murder people, and for that, he gets his well-deserved hatred from audiences. And a premeditated and voluntary murder can in no way be justified. But on the other hand, he is just another vulnerable character provided with the wrong choices and circumstances in life. And instead of turning that negativity into something positive, he chooses to be hidden from society as whole, thusly working against humans in general. With these two focal points being established, I must say that I am forced to loathe him for killing innocent people and sympathize with him for not being offered a good hand in life.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Affrimative Action Essay Example
Affrimative Action Essay Affrimative Action Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a plan made to end discrimination by guaranteeing minorities will be hired. The United States uses this practice to hire, but the qualifications of such people are occasionally overlooked. Many people believe that affirmative action is a very effective plan. The other people who oppose such action include people of various minorities, as well as many others who have been wronged by the plan. We live in a small town where there are very few minorities but in the big cities, it?s a very big deal. We will write a custom essay sample on Affrimative Action specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Affrimative Action specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Affrimative Action specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In several cases, this plan causes minorities to be thought of as being under qualified when hired and it also causes a new minority, the white male. Our government needs to acknowledge the fact that affirmative action is not putting an end to discrimination. This plan has succeeded in creating new minorities and more reasons for discrimination. Affirmative action frequently causes qualified employees to be looked down upon because some believe them to be affirmative action hires. My boss at work is a woman and as a result I have encountered many discriminatory comments pertaining to her position. The first remark I usually receive suggestions that she was hired for her position affirmative, action, minorities, people, plan, hired, because, qualified, very, job, discrimination, certain, believe, woman, white, upon, states, position, minority, male, made, hiring, good, gender, causes, boss, being, been, whether, united, system, standards, should, remark, received
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Find Ideas for Enterprise Stories in Your Hometown
Find Ideas for Enterprise Stories in Your Hometown Enterprise reporting involves a reporter digging up stories based on his or her own observation and investigation. These stories typically arent based on a press release or a news conference, but on the reporter carefully watching for changes or trends on his beat, things that often fall under the radar because theyre not always obvious. For instance, lets say youre the police reporter for a small-town paper and over time you notice that arrests of high school students for possession of cocaine are increasing. So you talk to your sources in the police department, along with school counselors, students, and parents, and come up with a story about how more high school kids are using cocaine in your town because some big-time dealers from the nearest big city are moving into your area. Again, thats not a story based on someone holding a press conference. Its a story that the reporter dug up on his own, and, like many enterprise stories, its important. (Enterprise reporting is really just another word for investigative reporting, by the way.) So here are some ways you can find ideas for enterprise stories in various beats. Crime and Law Enforcement Talk to a police officer or detective at your local police department. Ask them what trends theyve noticed in crime over the last six months or year. Are homicides up? Armed robberies down? Are local business facing a rash or burglaries? Get statistics and perspective from the police on why they think the trend is occurring, then interview those affected by such crimes and write a story based on your reporting. Local Schools Interview a member of your local school board. Ask them whats happening with the school district in terms of test scores, graduation rates, and budget issues. Are test scores up or down? Has the percentage of high school grads going on to college changed much in recent years? Does the district have adequate funds to meet the needs of students and teachers or are programs having to be cut due to budget constraints?​ Local Government Interview your local mayor or a member of the city council. Ask them how the town is doing, financially and otherwise. Does the town have enough revenue to maintain services or are some departments and programs facing cutbacks? And are the cuts simply a matter of trimming fat or are important services - like police and fire, for instance - also facing cuts? Get a copy of the towns budget to see the numbers. Interview someone on the city council or town board about the figures. Business and the Economy  Interview some local small business owners to see how theyre faring. Is business up or down? Are mom-and-pop businesses being hurt by shopping malls and big-box department stores? How many small businesses on Main Street have been forced to close in recent years? Ask local merchants what it takes to maintain a profitable small business in your town. Environment Interview someone from the nearest regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency. Find out if local factories are operating cleanly or polluting your communitys air, land or water. Are there any Superfund sites in your town? Seek out local environmental groups to find out whats being done to clean up polluted areas.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Work-life Balance In the Global Human Resource Management Coursework
Work-life Balance In the Global Human Resource Management - Coursework Example Employees could be ‘forced’ by the organisations to make maximal or even stressful physical and mental contributions as part of their work schedule, thereby negatively impacting the work-life balance. In certain cases, employees themselves could also push themselves with personal motives and also due to unstable work environments, disregarding their health. In the recent times, the need to maintain apt work-life balance is being strongly focused by the organisations and the employees themselves. Understanding how apt balance could not only optimize the employees’ personal side but also their work productivity, organisations are actualizing various initiatives in the work environment. Although, this introduction of various measures is widespread, when it comes to certain organisations in the non-Western or developing countries, there is a varied perspective. Due to specific cultural, economic and social factors, these differences occur. Thus, the focus of this report will be on how the changing nature of the workplace is having an effect on work-life balance in a global context, critically discussing and comparing, with two case studies, the range of work-life balance initiatives being followed in Western and non-Western countries, finally ending with recommendations. Work-life balance is a concept which refers to how employees with the support of organisations can aptly balance or prioritize their work aspects like their professional career, ambitions, financial statuses, etc., with their lifestyle style aspects like their family, friends, health, leisure, etc. Clark (2000, p. 751) defines work-life balance as â€Å"satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home, with a minimum of role conflict.†Heathfield (2013) further expands on the above definition by stating, work-life balance has a concept â€Å"that supports the efforts of employees to split their time and energy between work and the other important aspects of their lives†, by
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Civilizations Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Civilizations Compare and Contrast - Essay Example The Egyptian civilization and the Holy Roman Empire had different political systems. The Holy Roman Empire was a feudal monarchy ruled by an emperor. The first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was Frankish King Charlemagne, who was crowned by Pope Leo III in the year (800 Whaley, 35). The popes had a great role in divine sanctioning of the rules imposed by the emperors as well as the coronation of the emperors. The emperor was elected by the seven leading princes, three ecclesiastical electors, three archbishops and four lay electors. The position of the emperor was exclusively for the males. The empire was divided into principalities where the rulers exercised many sovereign functions. The principalities had their parliamentary bodies that represented the estates of the territory. The role of the princes was tax collection, administration of justice and minting coins. The princes were also responsible for the material and spiritual salvation of their subjects. In the early years of the empire, too much power was bestowed in the princes and the clergy. The parliament of the empire, Empirical Diet consisted of leading princes, seven electors, dukes, counts, bishops and abbots. The role of the Empirical Diet was to resolve conflicts and negotiate between the emperor and the estates (Whaley, 47). The empire was governed by a constitution known as The Golden Bull. The ruling decisions in the Holy Roman Empire were initially influenced by the Roman Catholic, and the emergence of the Protestants led to conflicts that resulted to wars. The Schmalkaldic War of 1546-1547 between Charles V and Protestant princes led to the disintegration of the territories in the empire. The war was resolved by the Religious Peace of Augsburg before the Thirty Year’s War in 1618-1648 broke. The latter war led to greater political and religious division in the empire. The empire was dissolved in the aftermath
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Sensibility comparision Essay Example for Free
Sensibility comparision Essay Women have been struggling to prove themselves to society for centuries, yet many people today, living in the twenty-first century still think that women arent equal to men. The society one lives in defines a womens role and status and for many years society has always defined women to be too weak and overly sentimental. William Shakespeares Othello and Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility show that despite women continuously fighting for their rights, they still find themselves in the same position after two hundred years. Othello was written in the sixteenth century whereas Sense and Sensibility was written in the eighteenth century, yet the women of both texts struggle to be considered equal to men. Othellos Desdemona and Emilia are obligated to be obedient towards their husbands in order to be considered loyal and of high stature. If women are unmarried they are to be obedient to their fathers as they are considered to be their fathers property. Likewise Sense and Sensibilitys Elinor and Marianne are obliged to find husbands of good fortune in order to live a comfortable life as they are not given the opportunity to earn their own fortune. Throughout Sense and Sensibility Elinor and Marianne are imposed by society to find a husband even though they are not even adults yet. The societies the women of the play Othello by William Shakespeare and the novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen live in, compel them to cope with the mistreatment of women and overcome it with regards to their contemporary society. The women in both texts are forced to behave as is expected of them in order to fit into their societies. In Othello Desdemona personifies an oppressed woman who admits to being obedient to her husband, I am obedient. (III. iii. 99). Throughout the play Desdemona follows her husbands orders, despite his insults towards her. She continues to be a dutiful wife when he commands her to go to bed and till the end where she accepts his decision to kill her. The Venetian society Desdemona was raised in has taught her to be submissive and dutiful. She acknowledges her role as an obedient wife and decides to follow what is asked of her by society. Furthermore Emilia also chooses to follow her role in Venetian Society in spite of her being an arguably stronger character than Desdemona. Tis proper I obey him, but not now. (V. ii. 233). Towards the end when she chooses to reveal Iagos acts she still feels the need to justify herself and explain why she is going against her husband. From the very start of the play Emilia does various things to please her husband, without trying to find out his true intentions. She is blinded by her role to be obedient towards him and does everything in her power to depict a perfect wife. Similarly in Sense and Sensibility women also try to conduct themselves in a proper way in order to be accepted by society. Elinor Dashwood portrays a woman of proper demeanour in the eighteenth century. She is careful not to hurt anyone, in spite of their narcissistic characteristics. The pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety. (Jane Austen, 39). Elinor explains to her sister that how polite you are shouldnt always depend on how good ones company is. Being the eldest daughter, Elinor abides to having proper manners and takes on the role of the man of the house, making sure the small amount of money they have is being spent wisely. In order to be accepted by society Elinor also refuses to show her affection for Edward Ferrars knowing the reaction she would get from the people in her society. She knows she must be careful to not let her reputation get tainted if she wants to be accepted by her friends and relatives. Just like Desdemona, Elinor is very selfless and sensible as she cares more about the people around her than herself. These attributes are significant as to why both these characters are well liked in their society. Just as Desdemona is obedient to her husband, Elinor is obedient to her family. Furthermore Marianne Dashwood is another woman who is also forced to behave to the liking of the society in which she lives. Unlike Elinor it is more difficult for Marianne to portray an ideal woman due to her being more frank and caring for things other than being liked by the society. It was impossible for her to say what she did not feel, however trivial the occasion; and upon Elinor, therefore, the whole task of telling lies, when politeness required it, always fell. (Jane Austen, 68). Mariannes thoughts express how she feels obligated to be polite to others because of her sister, who encourages her to be polite in order for their family to have a good reputation in their society. Marianne believes that being polite is just telling lies to a person in order for them to like you. Although she does not like how the people in her society think Marianne must accept the fact that she must fit into her society and in order to do so she tries to behave in a respectful manner towards others. Both Marianne and Emilia are forced to be someone they are not. It is easier for Desdemona and Elinor to be passive women but Emilia and Marianne have more personality that comes in their way of portraying the type of women accepted in their society. Regardless, Emilia and Marianne force themselves to follow the conduct of women of their society. Desdemona, Emilia, Elinor and Marianne all must behave like courteous ladies and conceal their passion and frustration in order to be a part of their society. Not only does the society force them to behave a certain way, women are also taken advantage of and mistreated. In Othello Iago wants to get revenge from Othello for allegedly sleeping with his wife by sleeping with Desdemona. For that I do suspect the lusty Moor Hath leapd into my seat; the thought whereof Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; And nothing can or shall content my soul, Till I am evend with him, wife for wife. (II. i. 317-321). To Iago women are just possessions which is why he does not take into consideration the feelings of Emilia and Desdemona while planning his revenge. Iago knows that there is not much that Emilia and Desdemona can do because of the limitations Venetian society places on them. Therefore he continues to treat his wife with disrespect and plot to make Othello think that Desdemona has committed adultery. Moreover Othello mistreats his wife by killing her at the end . Yet she must die, else shell betray more men. (V. ii. 6). He plots to kill Desdemona because he thinks she has committed infidelity. He continues with his plan even when Desdemona states that she has been loyal to him. Othello is blinded by Iagos manipulative acts and cannot see right from wrong. Him not believing in Desdemona over Iago shows how Othellos mind has been affected by society into believing a mans say is more important that a womans. Correspondingly women in Sense and Sensibility are also uncared for by men. Willoughby is a prime example of a man who mistreats women. He is a heartless womanizer who seduces Eliza, Colonel Brandons foster daughter and then easily moves on to Marianne. Careless of her happiness, thinking only of my own amusement, giving way to feelings which I had always been too much in the habit of indulging, I endeavoured, by every means in my power, to make myself pleasing to her, without any design of returning her affections. (Jane Austen, 173-174). Willoughby confesses to Elinor that he never had any intentions of falling in love with Marianne and he admits to have been a Casanova in the past. Throughout the novel Willoughby mistreats women and uses them for his pleasures. He is driven by society to please women but not care for them and at the end his flawed propensity leads him to being punished by not being able to be with the one he loves. Similar to Othellos Iago Willoughby does not think highly of women. Both Iago and Willoughby are villains of the story because of their harsh behaviour towards women. Although Iago shows no remorse for hurting women whereas Willoughby regrets his dishonesty towards the women in his life, they both are still seen to be of the same nature because of their characters being so deceptive towards women. Furthermore Elinor is also a victim of mistreatment. She now found that, in spite of herself, she had always admitted a hope, while Edward remained single, that something would occur to prevent his marrying Lucy. But he was now married; and she condemned her heart for the lurking flattery which so much heightened the pain of the intelligence. (Jane Austen, 194). Elinors thoughts express how hurt she is by the news of the her loves marriage. Edward Ferrars is someone the reader would least expect to hurt a woman but his loyalty towards Lucy Steele and unplanned love for Elinor lead him to having to choose between the two women. Knowing that either way he will hurt someone, he chooses to be with Lucy in order to be keep the promise of marrying her and not be hated by society for leaving her. One cannot help but blame Edward for leading Elinor on and not letting her know about his engagement with Lucy. Although Othellos killing Desdemona is very extreme compared to Edwards choosing Lucy over Elinor, both characters invoke catharsis in the audience because of the situation the characters find themselves in. Othello is driven to kill Desdemona because of his role in society and what society might think of him if they were to find out that his wife has cheated on him. Edward is driven to leave Elinor because of his engagement to Lucy which is persisted because society would not accept a broken engagement. In both cases the role society plays coerces both men to mistreat women they love and care for. Othello and Iagos treatment towards Desdemona and Emilia and Willoughby and Edwards treatment toward the Dashwood sisters are illustrations of they can be compelled to behave a certain way because their thoughts are driven by the beliefs of society. Though the women in Othello and Sense and Sensibility have to deal with living in a sexist society they are still able to overcome it through their emotional strength. Desdemonas obedience towards Othello does not blind her of how much power she has over him. My lord shall never rest; Ill watch him tame and talk him out of patience; His bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift; Ill intermingle everything he does with Cassios suit. Therefore be marry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather die than give thy cause away. (III. iii. 24-30). Desdemona tells Cassio how she shall continue to pester Othello until he is given his lieutenancy back. She is aware that she has a fair bit of control over Othello and she uses this to her advantage when trying to help Cassio. Desdemona does not let society hold her back from showing that she has a voice and that her say in a situation is important to her husband. Emilia also prevails as a strong women by defying Iago, in spite of society judging her for going against her husband. No, I will speak as liberal as the north. Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, all, all cry shame against me, yet Ill speak. (V. ii. 261-263). Emilia chooses to speak up against her husband and reveal him for the evil person he truly is because he has just caused her mistress death. She no longer cares for what society thinks of her as it is more important for her to prove Desdemonas innocence. You see Emilia at her strongest point in the play as she fights for Desdemona and herself, revealing the true strength of women and their ability to rise against men and society. Likewise, Elinor is able rise over societys hardwired perception of women by accepting what society expects from her but still having a mind of her own. Her ability to hide her emotions from others is her greatest strength. Sense will always have attractions for me. (Jane Austen, 29). For Elinor sense is something that allows her to be a part of society and still have as many emotions as Marianne. Therefore she believes that she will always approach life with sense. This is Elinors way of overcoming society. From hiding her feelings about what she really thinks about the Steele sisters to hiding her love for Edward, Elinor is able to keep everybody guessing about her true character and what people should really think about her. Elinors approach of overcoming societys perception is similar to Desdemonas approach as they both take a more subtle path. Elinor and Desdemona both show an enormous amount of strength through their empowerment over people. Elinor is able to get information from people that she doesnt even expect to get by being silent and approachable. Desdemona is able to get Othello to see her as an important figure until Iagos manipulative acts part Othello from her. Elinor and Desdemona are both the voice of common sense in their texts as they rise above societys mentality about women through the power of wisdom. Marianne struggles to accept what society asks of her but by the end she is able to use her sister as an example to find her way from a world of over-romanticizing to a more realistic place. She was born to discover the falsehood of her own opinions, and to counteract, by her conduct, her most favourite maxims. She was born to overcome an affection formed so late in life as seventeen, and with no sentiment superior to strong esteem and lively friendship..! (Jane Austen, 206). Jane Austen describes how at the end Marianne learns from her mistakes of being excessively sentimental and is able to overcome societys perception of women by being more like her sister. Marianne is able to accept that Willoughby was not meant to be with her and that she was meant to be with Colonel Brandon. Marrying Colonel Brandon helps Marianne start life on a new note and accept what society asks of her but still have her own say in matters. For both Marianne and Emilia it takes more time to find a way to rise against society and still be a part of society at the same time. At first Marianne doesnt accept to be a part of society whereas Emilia decides to be obedient and try to be accepted by society. By the end both characters are able to learn from their mistakes and acquire a way to triumph over societys perception of women. Marianne is able overcome society by accepting what society expects of her and Emilia is able to rise above society by telling the truth about her husband, not caring about what society thinks of her. The women of Othello and Sense and Sensibility are able to prevail over society by acknowledging the standards society sets for women but accepting them to an extent that does not allow them to control how they think. The women in Othello and Sense and Sensibility accept the role society gives them regardless of the consequences, and at the end they are able to rise above society by proving how strong women are. Othellos Desdemona chooses to obey Othello as that is what society expects her to do, even though he physically and emotionally abuses her. However she is still able to prevail as a strong women through her empowerment over Othello. Emilia is an obedient wife to her husband because she wants to fit into society, despite him constantly neglecting her. Yet she is able to over throw her husband by revealing his evil acts. By doing this she is able to prove to society how strong women are as she dies protecting her friends honour. William Shakespeare depicts how even though society portrays women as irrelevant people during his time, they still have a great impact on the lives of men. Elinor takes a more restrained approach to fight societys beliefs of women. She accepts to behave as expected of her but does not allow that to change the way she thinks. As a result Elinor learns that she does not always need to approach everything with common sense and she is able to learn to let herself go sometimes. Marianne starts off being the opposite of Elinor, as her being younger and more emotional prevents her from understanding the necessity of being accepted by society. By the end she is able to accept her role in society but at the same time she does not let her sensibility go. Jane Austen shows how that even though there is parallel of both Dashwood sisters fighting society and trying to find love at the same, they both approach it differently and at the end they decide to embark the same route. Jane Austen depicts how a balance between sense and sensibility allows women in the eighteenth century to not only be a part of society but also have a more dominant role as a woman. Though there is a large difference in the period both these texts were written in, the women still struggle with the same problems. Living in the year two thousand and eleven, yes there has been some improvement in how women are treated but that hasnt changed the way men think. Women are still not strong enough or not brave enough in the minds of men. Its still rare for you to see a women as a president or prime minister. After centuries of fighting for their rights women still have a long way to go to prove their strength and capability to men and society.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Creon is the Tragic Hero of in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays
Creon is the Tragic Hero of Antigone Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am here today to argue the title of tragic hero in the play Antigone by Sophocles. I would like to start off by saying that it will be extremely difficult for me to have the passion that I usually have because of my client. My client's ruthless leadership disgusts me in the worst way. But I will still stand in front of you, the jury, and defend my client. As I said before I am here to argue the title of tragic hero in the play Antigone. I could see that some of you are dazzled by the word "tragic hero". No need to worry for I will enlighten you. The great Aristotle was one of the first men who defined a tragic hero. His definition is not a rule for what tragedy should be, but it is a description of what he believed tragedy was. According to Aristotle a tragic hero must have these qualities to qualify as one. A tragic hero is neither good nor bad. Along with being neutral in his stance, a tragic hero must also be born into royalty. A tra gic hero could never be of the common folk. In addition to this a tragic hero must suffer a large fall from good grace. By this he means that a fall that brings him "down to earth". A tragic hero also has some type of flaw. Whether it is a character flaw such as pride and ego or the character must make an error of judgment or a mistake. With the tragic flaw the character must also recognize the flaw that they have made. In other words, they have to be enlightened. The audience is then supposed to feel pity and fear for the tragic hero because of his tumultuous journey. The tragic hero also is supposed to inspire catharsis in the audience. In some respects Creon is seen as good but with others as bad. The large fall that Creon took was the fall from the good grace of being a respected king. "Your people are beginning to question your judgment and are beginning to side with Antigone.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Diversity in the American Classrooms
The classrooms of the schools in the United States of America, especially for the public ones, may be considered as a box of M&M’s or Skittles, where each student is of different ethnic background and comes from a culture different from the rest. The flooding and diversity of cultures in the classrooms may be due to the fact that the American System of Education seeks to educate the most number of people and to provide Western thoughts and theories. In addition to this, the American System of Education has proven its economic value by giving its graduates the edge among the rest.The excellence exuded by the universities and schools and America can be seen by their continuous grip on the top 10 rankings among the universities of the world. Out of the 10 top universities of the world, six are from the United States. These universities are Harvard University (1), Yale University (2), Princeton University (6), University of Chicago (7), California Institute of Technology (7), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (10) (â€Å"Top 400 Universities†).As said earlier, the economic value placed for the graduates of these universities is higher than the others and this would be a very strong advantage for the American System of Education. The fact that the best education could be found in the US paves the way for a higher quality in terms of human capital. The labor market of the American country is consequently filled with professionals coupled with the decent opportunities created by the economy. Thus, it can be said that the good education and sterling quality for the tertiary education can be a antecedent factor for a good pool of professionals for the firms.This becomes a factor in reducing the poverty rate for the country. The high demand for the American Education puts much pressure to pursue excellence. America is considered as the land of milk and honey by a lot of people (Soriano). In relation to this, the American dream matches the belief tha t America is the land of milk and honey. The American dream is the pursuit of material prosperity and where life is better and richer according to one’s ability (â€Å"What is the American Dream? †). This has led to the influx of migration to the US by families and the subsequent rise for cultural diversity.This cultural diversity provides a huge benefit for several reasons. First, the classroom diversity enhances the classroom experience for both the students and the teachers. Aside from the day-to-day topics that the teacher or professor discusses and the facts presented by the textbook, the diversity in the classroom serves the purpose of learning through experience. One could learn from the various beliefs, traditions, principles, customs, and languages that the other cultures have (Vortemizzi). In a way, it gives the students learn â€Å"extra things†without the stringent requirements of the educational setting.Their daily interaction with the other cultur es and the high frequency of such would create a higher level of exposure for both cultures. Likewise, the teachers also learn to manage the differences in each classroom and learns how to deal with a diverse group of students to become fully aware of an international setting. Second, the diversity of the classrooms in the American Educational System prepares the students for the international arena. When one achieves to excel and think global, interaction and communication with other cultures is inevitable.The primary problem that is often encountered in international communication is with regard to how messages are perceived by the receiver and is sometimes different from what the sender means. According to Habeck et al. , â€Å"although the words are often the same, the meaning and unspoken assumptions can be very different, leading to misunderstanding and confusion†(86). However, with the exposure that the American classrooms bring to the students of different culture, t he problem would be minimized especially if the atmosphere inside the school is accommodating to the various cultures.Likewise, the teachers and the school administrators would be able to prepare for a varied setting and to be able to compete with the dynamic ways of the education sector. This would mean that there would be more chances that the enrollment rate would be higher since leeway is given for the acceptance of other cultures. The recognition of teachers and administrators of the different cultures provides for â€Å"a comfortable learning situation in which to realize their educational goals and accomplishments†(Connors).Third, this kind of setting teaches the students to become aware of how flexibility, tolerance, respect, and acceptance is important for everyone. This is especially true for the case of young children in the pre-school where they are given the opportunities to be able to understand a different color than they have. This makes them prepared for fur ther challenges and also equips them with the value of acceptance and understanding. With this, the friction is reduced especially when one would enter the workplace.The workplace is considered to be a rather dynamic setting where an international labor market is starting to emerge and the need to deal with different cultures is increasing. There is also the claim that with the acceptance and respect for the different cultures, social stability could be preserved and crime and poverty will be prevented (â€Å"Public Education in the United States†). Likewise, my personal experience with regard to interacting with different cultures and becoming aware that my culture is not the lone culture existing today has provided me with the chance to freely accept the whereabouts of a culturally diverse surrounding.This has also kept me more sensitive and aware of the other cultures and has helped me in the dealings and interactions I made with other people. For instance, my English clas s includes cultures of Asians, Middle East, Europeans, and Hispanic. I am able to adapt to this kind of setting for I am able to interact with them daily and understand their ways. With the foregoing discussion, it can be said that one benefit of the American system of education is its capability to accept various cultures and this provides benefits for both the students, the teachers, and the system itself.Works Cited Connors, Jeanne. â€Å"Cultural Diversity in the Classroom: Reaching out to Native American Students. †Setting the Stage: Opening with Influence. Aug. 1996. Habeck, Max, et al. After the Merger: Seven Rules for Successful Post-merger Integration. Great Britain: Prentice Hall, 2000. â€Å"Public Education in the United States. †Microsoft ® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. Soriano, Jaime N. The Land of Milk and Honey? 5 June 2005. Manila Times. 23 March 2008 [http://www. 50605car6. html]. â€Å"Top 400 Universities. †Quacquarelli Symonds. 23 March 2008 [http://www. topuniversities. com/worlduniversityrankings/results/2007/overall_rankings/top_400_universities/]. Vortemizzi, Julius. Diversity in American Schools. 22 March 2007. Stanza Ltd. 23 March 2008 [http://www. quazen. com/News/Opinions/Diversity-in-American-Schools. 19095]. â€Å"What is the American Dream? †19 December 2002. The Library of Congress. 23 March 2008 [http://lcweb2. loc. gov/learn/lessons/97/dream/thedream. html].
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Industrial Revolution Essay - 920 Words
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain during the late 1700s. The rest of Europe did not catch up for a couple more years as Britain started this trend. I will talk about why the Industrial Revolution happened in Great Britain, the cottage industry, major industries during this time, and the downside of this major event. Great Britain had a technological head start over the world which led them to the first Industrial Revolution. This happened in Britain due to many factors. Augmenting waterways and creating canals made transportation easier. Policy of the British Parliament was politicians, who were part timers, passing laws for the growth of business as a whole. Another element was population. The population was rapidly†¦show more content†¦With this abundant production, cotton was now cheap so ordinary people can now afford to buy cotton clothing. This invention made people realized they needed a new source of energy as the Water Frame ran on water and did not always power the machine during the days it did not rain. During this time period of the Industrial Revolution, the only sources of energy were coal, water, wind, manpower, livestock, and the steam engine. The steam engine was perfected by James Watt in the 1780s. It took him twenty years to accomplish this unlimited power that runs on steam. The bigger the product, the bigger the steam engine needed. This introduces mass productions and businesses building factories everywhere in the country. Another industry to take off in Great Britain is iron. This takes off because coal is no longer expensive due to unsmelted coal. Iron, which is strong, durable, and malleable, is used for building things like bridges. Majority of the bridges built during the Industrial Revolution still exist and are still in use today. Another major industry was the locomotive thought up by George Stephenson. The train changed everything as it was the first machine to run by itself. Not only did it start to shape how our world is today, it remodeled how business runs. Businesses were thriving and were now able to give their clients an exact date and time when their shipment will arrive. In less than twenty years, the whole countryShow MoreRelatedEssay on Industrial Revolution1489 Words  | 6 Pagesenvironment. Industrial revolution was so fundamental that it’s often compared with the transition from farming to stock raising, which began several thousand years before the birth of Christ. Considering the uses of natural resources, can human history be dived up into three pieces of varying length; hundreds of thousands years before â€Å"the agricultural revolution†, thousands of years between this and the Industrial revolution and the two hundreds years after the beginning of Industrial revolution. BeforeRead MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay766 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Industrial Revolution In the 19th century, America became an industrial country, the powered machinery shifted the industry into mass production. The development of steam engines improved the transportation system, further, increased the production of iron and steel. The textile industries have begun to develop, and produce various products. The industrialization leads to accessible banking, further, deliver telegraph communication to many businesses through locomotive trains. This essayRead More Industrial Revolution Essay1623 Words  | 7 Pageshuman culture since the advent of agriculture eight or ten thousand years ago, was the industrial revolution of eighteenth century Europe. The consequences of this revolution would change irrevocably human labor, consumption, family structure, social structure, and even the very soul and thoughts of the individual. This revolution involved more than technology; to be sure, there had been industrial quot;revolutionsquot; throughout European history and non-Eu ropean history. In Europe, for instanceRead MoreEssay on Industrial Revolution1279 Words  | 6 PagesIndustrial Revolution Europe during the eighteenth century was at the height of the industrial revolution, none of which reached America. In New England the population was largely English, but America as a whole had more than 20 ethnic strains present, nowhere in Europe could such a heterogeneous mixture be found. America was unique in its political structure. Americans vested authority in personalities, rather than, as in England, in institutions of tradition. As a people they had been stripedRead MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay841 Words  | 4 Pages19th century, a period of industrial revolutions transformed the west as it is known and the people living there. The first and second industrial revolutions shaped the west as it is today through changes in manufacturing, labor, and the exchange of ideas and goods. Inventions and ideas of the time changed the way goods are made. Advances in manufacturing, whereas previously, families would work in their homes and rural farms with many workers, after the industrial revolutions, manufacturing was doneRead MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay734 Words  | 3 PagesDue to the Industrial Revolution, many changes started occurring in this new era such as the factories began to use more mechanics, limiting skill needed to produce products as well as hastening the harvesting of raw materials. Secondarily there was a huge standard of living and wage drop in cities due to urbanization which occurred after the factories created an abundance of jobs. Also, there was a huge shift in the population and there was a massive population growth due to the excess food andRead MoreEssay on The Industrial Revolution1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe Industrial Revolution Introduction to the Revolution The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power-driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and mans way of looking at life allRead MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay763 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ The Industrial Revolution The Agriculture Revolution was a time when people worked the land by using simple hand tools. By the 1800’s, most people in Western Europe and the United States lived on farms. The nation’s economy was based on farming and the making of goods by hand and trading. They lived in rural areas in little cottages lit with firelight and candles. They made their own clothes and grew their own food. The system of making your own clothes was called the putting out systemRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Essay972 Words  | 4 PagesConditions of laborers and the role of women in society has been constantly evolving over the course of history. However, these two major groups experienced the most drastic alterations during the Industrial Revolution. Between the 19th and early 20th centuries, laborers diversified in age, while labor conditions declined. During this same time period, the role of women was reinvented as females searched for work and changed their role within the family. To begin, industrialization was the instigatorRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Essay847 Words  | 4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution During the 1800s, phenomenal changes took place in America. These changes would impact our society incredibly for years to come and even still in the present. The major changes that took place were in transportation and industry. American society expanded so much in the early 1800s that it very well could have been the only time in history where this happened in such a short amount of time. From steamboats to railroads and from textile mills to interchangeable parts
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