Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Financial Crisis in Asia essays
Financial Crisis in Asia essays Have you ever been in a situation where you were low cash and in debt? Well, I know I have. I remember one time when I had used up all of my money for the month, and owed, at the same time, my sister ten dollars. Boy, that was pure hell. You cant buy anything, and you feel like you have no control over anything. Well, imagine an entire continent in a financial rut. That is what is currently going on in Asia. This dilemma is known as the Asian Financial Crisis. Now, what exactly is the Asian Financial Crisis? Well, it is the current imbalance of Asias economy. While some areas are doing great, most areas are poor and economically unstable . Currency value has gone down drastically, the stock market is at an all time low, and people all over the continent are fearing for their futures. The United Nations definitely should get involved in this crisis. They should have been more involved in international loaning, which would have helped, if not prevented the debt Asia is in now. They also should have made sure that the currency rate stayed stable the second the stock market began to drop. Perhaps, if the UN was more involved in Asias economic affairs this crisis would not be in this state of mishap. (There were many things that caused the Asian Financial Crisis. One of them would have to be overseas borrowing. It is very important to understand that if the country is borrowing from the rest of the earth its foreign debt will grow over time. Thus, flows (items on income and cash flow statements) translate into changes in stocks (balance sheet items, like family fortune, the stock of capital, government debt, and net foreign debt). So, in the end, Asian countries borrowed too much, and were careful too little. Companies in the worst-hit countries, South Korea, Indonesia and Thailand, borrowed boundless sums of money as their economies boomed. T Even worse, they borrowed much of it in U...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Essays
Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Essays Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Paper Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Paper In the past, most refugees who permanently resettled in the traditional recipient countries of North America, Europe, and Australasia were screened prior to arrival in a host country. In the last decade, increasing numbers of unauthorized refugees or asylum seekers, those who formally lodge application for refugee status in the country in which they are residing, have applied for protection after crossing the borders of these countries. Concerns about uncontrolled migration have encouraged host countries to adopt policies of deterrence in which increasingly restrictive measures are being imposed on persons seeking asylum. These measures include, variously, confinement in detention centers, enforced dispersal within the community, the implementation of more stringent refugee determination procedures, and temporary forms of asylum. In several countries, asylum seekers living in the community face restricted access to work, education, housing, welfare, and, in some situations, to basic health care services. Allegations of abuse, untreated medical and psychiatric illnesses, suicidal behavior, hunger strikes, and outbreaks of violence among asylum seekers in detention centers have been reported. Although systematic research into the mental health of asylum seekers is in its infancy, and methods are limited by sampling difficulties, there is growing evidence that salient postmigration stress facing asylum seekers adds to the effect of previous trauma in creating risk of ongoing posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric symptoms. The medical profession has a role in educating governments and the public about the potential risks of imposing excessively harsh policies of deterrence on the mental health of asylum seekers. Riots The escape followed riots involving about 150 detainees at the facility last week. The violence was begun by four men who had had refugee applications rejected and were told they would be deported. One man tried to sew his lips together and two others cut themselves with glass during the riots, officials said. Thousands of would-be immigrants are caught each year trying to enter Australia illegally, often after perilous voyages from Asia in decrepit boats owned by people-smuggling gangs. More than 4,000 such immigrants arrived during 1999, sparking a controversial deterrence campaign from the Australian Government highlighting the dangers of making the journey to Australia. The illegal arrivals are held in detention centers while authorities process their applications for refugee status. This policy of mandatory detention has sparked an outcry by church and human rights groups. Detainees at the three biggest camps Port Hedland, Curtin and Woomera have staged peaceful breakouts and hunger strikes and unleashed bursts of violence to protest being held and denied rights afforded to those refugees who arrive legally. The Government says the bulk of the rioting and disturbances at the detention centers is caused by long-term inmates who realize their refugee status will be denied and believe that rioting will pressure the Government to release them. Critics of the camps protest the outsourcing of their management to the U. S. -owned prison management firm Australasian Correctional Management, saying it is wrong for a private firm seeking to seek profit from managing refugees. Detainees have said children were sprayed with tear gas during a recent riot at one of the centers. They also complain that staff taunt and beat detainees and say people are sent away without adequate clothing and medication when their refugee claims are finally accepted. But camp officials and the Government deny mistreatment and point to well-stocked facilities with nutritional menus as well as education and recreation programs. Letter to His Excellency Michael Thawley, Embassy of Australia, Concerning Detention of Asylum Seekers His Excellency Michael Thawley Embassy of Australia 1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D. C. 20036 Dear Ambassador Thawley: I write on behalf of the U. S. Committee for Refugees (USCR), a non-governmental organization concerned with refugee protection worldwide, to urge you to refrain from detaining asylum seekers except in exceptional circumstances and to examine more closely conditions within your refugee detention centers. In the past two years, Australia has seen a significant increase in the number of asylum seekers, particularly from the Middle East. It is appropriate for you to consider ways to best respond to this increase. However, legitimate immigration concerns must be carefully balanced with your obligations under the UN Refugee Convention. We are concerned that recent actions of your government aimed at discouraging undocumented immigration may prevent genuine refugees from seeking and obtaining asylum in Australia. Moreover, conditions at the Woomera Detention Center in South Australia- which led to a riot by detainees on August 29- have drawn condemnation from UN committees and human rights organizations. We join them in urging you to grant UN monitors greater access to evaluate living conditions at this and other centers. The detention policy ignores the physical and psychological trauma that many asylum seekers have experienced before arriving in Australia. Australias mandatory imprisonment policy confines asylum seekers arriving without official documentation to isolated, wire-fenced enclosures for lengthy periods marked by the absence of information about their future. Since the opening of the Woomera detention center in November of last year, tensions have been simmering, although Immigration Minister Ruddock has denied that conditions are inhumane. Given the recent riot and the breakout in June of this year, where 750 illegal immigrants at three detention centers protested the delays in processing their asylum applications, your government should carefully re-evaluate its detention policies as well as the standards within these facilities. We firmly believe that asylum seekers should not be detained except under exceptional circumstances. However, adequate facilities must exist for all persons placed in immigration detention. While Mr. Ruddock has acknowledged the difficulty in gaining approvals for the building of detention centers in urban areas, the recent problems should highlight the need for a more humane reception of asylum seekers. We urge you to adopt alternative models of detention, as proposed by the Refugee Council of Australia. Recently, Mr. Ruddock, Foreign Affairs Minister Downer, and Attorney General Williams issued a joint statement calling for a reform of the UN human rights system by restricting the capacity of certain UN committees that have criticized some of your governments policies. This is the outcome of previous high-profile incidents in 1998 and 2000, such as when the Committee Against Torture was instrumental in preventing the deportation of two asylum seekers who risked physical harm in their home country. The joint statement of your government suggests a fundamental failure to recognize that many asylum seekers who enter without documents are legitimate refugees. Throughout history, many persecuted individuals have had to rely on irregular documents and methods of escape in order to seek refuge in other countries. Australia has a long and proud tradition to providing protection to those fleeing persecution. We urge you to maintain this tradition and honor both the letter and the spirit of the UN Refugee Convention.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History islamic art Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History islamic art - Term Paper Example In this paper we will discuss the history of Islamic architecture and different styles of Islamic architecture like Persian, Azerbaijani, Turkistan, Ottoman architecture etc. Islamic architecture began to spread soon after the advent of Islam. Initially mosques were required form Muslims to pray and from that the earliest form of Islamic architecture emerged. The oldest piece of Islamic architecture is The Dome of Rock, which is a shrine in the Old City of Jerusalem built in 691. The Dome of Rock is inspired by influence of Byzantine. When Muslim rulers invaded Spain Islamic architecture expanded to all corners of the world. The main reason for expansion of Islamic architecture was building of mosques. Muslim rulers built mosque wherever they went in order to pray and these mosques became the symbols of Islamic Architecture. Muslim rulers hired local engineers to build their mosques so shades of local art styles can also be seen in Islamic architecture. Islamic architecture therefore sprang through the union of existing art forms and Islamic culture. Calligraphy was also very famous in ancient Islamic times. The use of calligraphy can be seen on walls of mosques and forts that were built by Islamic rulers. Muslims used to write Quranic scripture in different forms and from that sprang the art of calligraphy in Islamic culture. Many famous buildings, forts and mosques have Quranic verses written on walls in beautiful styles. Umayyads were the first to officially introduce religious architecture in their time. They started to introduce new concepts of architecture through the help of existing buildings. The courtyard and other important buildings, for purpose of governance, served as an official start to Islamic architecture. In buildings of this time functionality seems to be an important aspect which tells that buildings were not built for artistic reasons rather they were made for performing services of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
IRobot Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IRobot - Article Example The Roomba Robot was a home care robot that would take care of some fundamental home care duties such as house cleaning. In addition, iRobot carried out some military duties and was used for military defense. The launch of iRobot was a success for the iRobot company, and made work easier for both home use and military use. The board of directors provides a great source of intelligence or the running hand the management of the company. The iRobot company secured a long-standing contract with the military. In order to achieve its success, iRobot has had to undertake intensive research and development and budget allot of money on its noble idea. The aim of this industry was to become the leading robotic industry in the world. This made the company grow to recruit over 500 highly qualified professionals who ensured that the company achieved its objectives. Moreover, the company made alliances with other highly qualified commercial companies such as the Boeing group, and the advanced scientific concept. The motive of these alliances was to enable the company to develop and improve upon products that was almost impossible for the company to develop by itself using its own technology. In order to achieve these high standards, the company had to have a good financial position with an excellent cash and long-term debt rate. This enabled the company to have a sustainable competitive advantage over other competitors such as Japanese’s robot developer companies. iRobot Company benefits much than other competitive companies. This is because of its resources and capabilities that have enabled the company develop. One of its main strengths is its cost advantage. The company benefits from cost advantage in that it produces robots at a lower cost than its competitors do. This is because of the high level of technology that they use with the help of other high technology companies such as Boeing and advanced scientific concept. Moreover, the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Manufacturing Process Essay Example for Free
Manufacturing Process Essay Tool post spanner For making adjustments to the tools Chuck key Used for tightening or loosening the bolts on the chuck Parting tool To remove finished parts. Procedure †¢We took a mild steel round 25*80 mm long piece and set it in the chuck with the required length by the use of chuck key. †¢Then marked the job as per given measurements with the help of steel rule and calipers. †¢Did the steps and cut edges with the help of side cutting tool. †¢Repeated the procedure 1 to 4 for mild steel round 25*50mm †¢Went to drilling process, and made 10 mm of diameter for mild steel 25*80. Did the free and plane operations and finish the job as per given sketch. Calculations required The calculations are for both turning and drilling. turning N = speed in revolutions/minute (RPM) k = speed (V) and part diameter (Di ) V = needed cutting speed D1= is largest part diameter drilling Drill speed k is a Constant D is Diameter of the drill V is the cutting speed ? Pictures: Discussion Majorly the two processes that were involved in our experiment were turning and drilling. The machine used was a manual lathe machine. Overheating of the tool and the work piece proved to be the basis of many errors seen within the finished work piece. other problems during the processes were creating of long chips which had to be cut in order for the experiment to go on further. Breaking of the tool was also experienced. Conclusion The machine used was a manual lathe machine in which most of the processes had to be worked out and supervised by a trained professional . the major errors in this experiment are caused by the mistakes of the handler. The rotation of the work piece, which is handled by the supervisor, must be precise and constant; otherwise the problems which arrive are the breaking of the tool and the creation of long chips. to rectify this error the use of automated lathe machine can be done. In this day and age automated lathe machines are the way to go because manual lathe needs hours and hours of supervision and in the end the product is not even as accurate as a product that can be used by a consumer. A better coolant and a cooling method can also be used to reduce the heat which can lead to inaccuracy.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Pi :: essays research papers
In mathematics, Pi is the symbol denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The ratio is approximately 3.14159265, pi being an irrational number (one that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or as a decimal with a finite number of decimal places) and a transcendental number (one without continuously recurrent digits). Electronic computers in the late 20th century have carried pi to more than 100,000,000 decimal places. Using a computer program, I calculated pi into 1000 decimals: 3.14159265 358979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989. Â Â Â Â Â Pi occurs in various mathematical calculations. The circumference (c) of a circle can be determined by multiplying the diameter (d) by : c = d. The area (A) of a circle is determined by the square of the radius (r): A = r2. Pi is applied to mathematical problems involving the lengths of arcs or other curves, the areas of ellipses, sectors, and other curved surfaces, and the volumes of solids. It is also used in various formulas of physics and engineering to describe such periodic phenomena as the motion of pendulums, the vibration of strings, and alternating electric currents. In very ancient times, 3 was used as the approximate value of pi, and not until Archimedes (3rd century BC) does there seem to have been a scientific effort to compute it; he reached a figure equivalent to about 3.14. A figure equivalent to 3.1416 dates from before AD 200. By the early 6th century Chinese and Indian mathematicians had independently confirmed or improved the number of decimal places. By the end of the 17th century in Europe, new methods of mathematical analysis provided various ways of calculating pi. Early in the 20th century the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan developed ways of calculating pi that were so efficient that they have been incorporated into computer algorithms, permitting expressions of pi in millions of digits. Pi :: essays research papers In mathematics, Pi is the symbol denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The ratio is approximately 3.14159265, pi being an irrational number (one that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or as a decimal with a finite number of decimal places) and a transcendental number (one without continuously recurrent digits). Electronic computers in the late 20th century have carried pi to more than 100,000,000 decimal places. Using a computer program, I calculated pi into 1000 decimals: 3.14159265 358979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989. Â Â Â Â Â Pi occurs in various mathematical calculations. The circumference (c) of a circle can be determined by multiplying the diameter (d) by : c = d. The area (A) of a circle is determined by the square of the radius (r): A = r2. Pi is applied to mathematical problems involving the lengths of arcs or other curves, the areas of ellipses, sectors, and other curved surfaces, and the volumes of solids. It is also used in various formulas of physics and engineering to describe such periodic phenomena as the motion of pendulums, the vibration of strings, and alternating electric currents. In very ancient times, 3 was used as the approximate value of pi, and not until Archimedes (3rd century BC) does there seem to have been a scientific effort to compute it; he reached a figure equivalent to about 3.14. A figure equivalent to 3.1416 dates from before AD 200. By the early 6th century Chinese and Indian mathematicians had independently confirmed or improved the number of decimal places. By the end of the 17th century in Europe, new methods of mathematical analysis provided various ways of calculating pi. Early in the 20th century the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan developed ways of calculating pi that were so efficient that they have been incorporated into computer algorithms, permitting expressions of pi in millions of digits.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Rebel Without a Cause Essay
In the late hours of the night Jim Stark, the main character of Nicholas Ray’s, Rebel Without a Cause, can be found resting his head against a piece of crumpled wrapping paper, lying on the cold pavement, droning out all his troubles with the sound of a toy monkey’s clamour. Throughout the entirety of the film Jim constantly seems to be droning out his problems, whether it be with a toy monkey of with a rebellious facade, which subconsciously distracts him from his true issues. Jim Stark’s defiant nature is rooted at his angst and eagerness in which he holds within himself. The only manner in which he feels he can accurately expose his emotions is through rebellion. In the beginning of the film when Jim shouts to his arguing parents in despair, â€Å"You’re tearing me apart! You say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again,†he is unleashing the built up confusion that is festering inside of him. Being that Jim is a somewhat complicated teenager his thoughts often seem to be consumed with questions. Jim questions his masculinity, his choices, the meaning of his life and his purpose. This confusion within him leads him to become desperate for answers and since his parents do not seem to offer him a solution he rebels in order to find one on his own. Jim chooses to rebel in various different manners. The most dramatic forms of rebellion involve his parents and his peers, Judy, Plato, Buzz and Buzz’s gang. With his parents Jim questions their roles, specifically his fathers feminine mannerisms. Being that Jim’s mother seems to play a more masculine role while Jim’s father plays a more feminine role, Jim becomes confused and attempts to correct this problem through rebellion. A clear depiction of this is when Jim encounters his father in a frilly yellow apron cleaning up a tray of spilled food. At the sight of this Jim becomes infuriated with his father and tells him to stand up and be a man. This scene is later repeated later in the film when Jim returns home after the death of Buzz. After asking his father for guidance as to whether of not he should go to the police Jim’s father is unable to offer him a straight answer and resorts to everything that Jim’s mother has to say. This leads Jim’s mother to contemplate moving again and Jim responds by saying, â€Å"Dad, stand up for me. †At this point Jim is practically begging his father to be more of a man and to stand up for him against his mother. Jim’s father does not respond, propelling Jim to yank him up shouting, â€Å"Stand up. †This scene is a clear representation of Jim’s rebellion against his father. Jim feels as if he is lacking a fatherly figure and will resort to being violent towards his father in order to â€Å"man him up. †Another moment in which Jim’s rebellion shines through is in the deadly chicken game with his rival Buzz. Wearing a bright red jacket, to represent his destructive nature, over his pristine white shirt, that represents his true purity, Jim heads out the cliff where him and Buzz will drive stolen cars close to the water and jump out beforehand, the winner being the one who jumps out last. Buzz, who sports a yellow shirt representing his true cowardly ways, seems to push Jim into doing this strange activity. When Jim asks, â€Å"Why do we do this? †Buzz says â€Å"You got to do something. †In this moment it becomes obvious that Jim feels that by rebelling through the participation in this chicken game, he is developing some sort of meaning to his life. This game will create a name for himself amongst his peers and this influences him to participate. Because Jim is vulnerable and wants to fit in he gives in. His rebellious nature in this scene is derived from the need to fit in, which all teenagers go through. Often adolescents will attempt to prove themselves to their friends by doing something risky in order to be one with the crowd. Even though Jim knows that this is wrong, he is rebelling against his uncertainties and the unanswered questions he has within him because he views rebellion as the only viable answer. His overpowering emotions and his desire to fit in create a wicked mutineer out of him. Film critic Leo Goldsmith from Reverse Shot says in reference to the film, â€Å"Under Ray’s dissecting eye, the suburban home itself becomes a battleground where parent and child must scream over each other to be heard. †The beginnings of all of Jim’s problems seem to rest on the warzone in which he is living at home. This angst, resentment and anger that he feels towards his father translate throughout everything his does in his life and lead him to rebel. Because Frank is unable to fulfill his role of guiding Jim, Jim feels that he must find his way on his own, making his a rebel with a very good cause.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marketing and Sales Essay
It has to pays debts and place orders of other departments inside its business. It tells the other departments of how much money is available to them and also gives advice. Such as if the ‘Marketing and Sales’ department of Tesco are going to spend 600 on a new TV advert and the finance department think that’s far to much money, then they would tell the department and would probably suggest something else if it is urgent. The financial staff are responsible for controlling the money and to make sure that departments don’t over-spend. All the senior managers receive help from the finance department when they are making major decisions on expenditure because the finance department don’t want them to make a huge mistake. This is because all bills have to be paid by the finance department. The level of sales is the starting point for setting the budget, which is why finance have to keep close links with ‘Sales’. Sales staff would expect finance to generate standard paperwork (invoices, statements etc) when they make a sale on credit. They would want finance to tell them if an existing customer is a bad payer and tell them the credit worthiness of new customers. Tesco’s finance department may receive a call from ‘Marketing’ asking if they want to offer extra discount or different conditions to a particular customer in order to secure a sale. The employees’ wages or salaries are paid by the finance department. If anyone wants to ask or discuss anything about them then they have to contact the finance department. Some of Tesco’s stores may need some extra workers for particular jobs. Before they hire any, they need to ask the finance department if the business has money and that it can afford the cost. If the money is not available then the finance department may have to tell the ‘Human Resources’ department that no more staff can be hired. There can even be cases inside Tesco when the finance department have to tell the ‘Human Resources’ department to reduce the number of staff in order to save some money. The ‘Administration’ department make so many phone calls and print out so many letters, they may be told by the finance department to make less international calls. If the printer breaks down the department may be told to buy a cheap one because there may not be enough money for a good one, or because the department may be over-spending. Finance has to pay for the goods that different functions have bought. The amount that each department spends need to be up to the agreed budget. Each department have to submit invoices for whatever it buys. The ‘Production’ department of Tesco may submit invoices for the raw materials it may have purchased. The finance department has to raise money for ‘Production’. A department has to be very careful that it does not go over budget because if it does it may face problems since its future orders may get rejected by the finance department. When goods from a department’s order arrive it is the job of that department to check that everything is correct and is working properly. This is what the finance department expect from all the departments. However, if bills are not paid that department that ordered the goods won’t be blamed because they are dependant on finance to pay the bills. If some of the food items of Tesco have not been delivered because the previous bill didn’t get paid the production department as well as the customers would suffer because of the finance department. The finance department has to record the sales of products that Tesco sells. This shows that it is involved with sales too. The finance department also expects accounts to be kept by all departments so that it can be able to calculate profit or loss. Then it will be able to produce the ‘Profit & Loss Account’. This is how the finance function supports and works with all the other departments. It deals with the money matters of the other departments and if it makes any mistakes like forgetting to pay a bill etc, then there can be big problems which would stop the business from becoming more better and successful. These mistakes can create a bad reputation of Tesco even if it is just the finance departments fault. If the finance department wants to try and avoid these mistakes then it has to work with and support the other departments effectively.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Westjet Case Anaysis Essays
Westjet Case Anaysis Essays Westjet Case Anaysis Essay Westjet Case Anaysis Essay Jet Airlines is a Calgary-based discount airline founded in 1996. Starting with only three aircrafts in 1996, the company is now â€Å"Canada’s leading high-value low-fare airline. †The management of WestJet Airlines assumes that the success of the business is anchored in the culture of the corporation and the welcoming service provided to its customers. Beddoe, the president and the CEO of WestJet, is proud of the airlines performance and the customer service it offers. He believes that the corporate culture was the key to success and the company’s attainment. WestJet’s culture is very entertaining, hassle-free, unperturbed, and relaxed. The ratings of the customer satisfaction are higher than those of the other airlines. Top management trusts and values its employees. It is assumed that having content, cheerful personnel results in a first-rate customer service. WestJet is a company that is managed â€Å"from the bottom up. †As Beddoe states, â€Å"We set some standards and expectations, but don’t interfere in how our people do their jobs. Due to the fact that the employees and the management work as a crew, WestJet management saves money on hiring additional human resources. There is no need for supervisors because the employees supervise themselves and work together towards the organization’s goal. The corporation culture is what led WestJet to their â€Å"victory. †With the success, the company came to a decision about expanding its market. With the development strategy, the risk of the culture of the company being vanished draws closer. This is the foremost problem that WestJet might face. In view of the fact that culture is what made the company successful, with it being misplaced, it would be hard for WestJet to accomplish their purpose – customer satisfaction. The involvement culture of WestJet helped it in achieving high employee performance, increasing revenue, and escalating customer service satisfaction. WestJet’s culture is based on trust and respect among all employees. Everyone is treated equally, without exceptions, regardless of the function they perform in the company. The work atmosphere is fun and enjoyable. The culture is the source of the management and the workers happiness, contentment, and what is most important the guests satisfaction. Nevertheless, what brought success to the company, may become a threat when it does not meet the employee needs. With a greater expansion, the management of WestJet would have to hire significantly more people in order to operate the company efficiently and effectively. Some people, like the example of Steve Smith, may be used to different managing style and might find it difficult or impossible to adapt to a new culture. Given that the culture is a main source of WestJet’s success, the weakening of the employees’ performance would benefit other airlines competing with WestJet. Fast expansion indicates less time for new workers to adjust to the corporation values and beliefs. This creates a problem. In order to improve the situation, WestJet would have to get to the bottom of it and implement a reasonable solution. Top management would have to decide whether it should expand the airline or not. One of the alternatives could be offering instruction and coaching the newly hired personnel. Beddoe asserts that their culture is new and hiring people who have no past experience with the airline industry is the preeminent option. While being unfamiliar with what to expect, it is easier for a prospective employee to adapt to the corporate culture and become an efficient member of the workforce. WestJet Airlines already provide coaching to their employees so they would become aware of the consequences of decisions they make. Furthermore, when precedents take place, supplementary training was supplied. Therefore, in order to sustain the corporate culture, while expand the industry, it is important that WestJet Airlines continues making additional training and coaching available to their newly hired staff members. A drawback of this alternative might be the waste of the organization’s time and money. The potential employees may seem to perfectly fit the culture of the company but then after being hired they might decide that this is not the kind of job they want to perform. This would be a sunk cost to WestJet. In addition to that, WestJet Airlines could implement a hiring process through which they could verify if a particular individual is well suited for a specific job. WestJet already endows with a special employment process using practical job previews, job simulations, and behavioral interviews for which the prospective employees cannot prepare due to the fact that such interviews test whether the person is presentable and what characteristics of his or her behavior would benefit and satisfy the needs of the company. While hiring more people needed for a fast growing industry, it is recommended that WestJet pays additional attention to the process of employing. Defining whether an individual is a perfect fit for the company determines the future success of the corporation. This option however has a drawback; during a job simulation people might act different than while performing their job due to additional stress and pressure that arises in demanding situations that come with performing specific job duties. Another alternative would be stopping or slowing the expansion down. Keeping the same size of the company would prevent the culture from being petered out. Nonetheless, different problems might arise, such as higher competition. Other airlines that base their success on various aspects other than culture grow constantly gaining a higher market share. Expansion would bring them higher profits that would allow the airlines offer their customers unbeatable ticket prices, loyalty programs, and other numerous deals. Moreover, without implementing the expansion plan, WestJet would not be able to gain higher revenues. Therefore, the corporation would remain in the same position it is now while losing the market share. With time, the WestJet’s guests might switch to their competitors who would offer them better deals and wider travel destination selection. Taking into consideration the alternatives I proposed, the one that would benefit WestJet the most would be offering coaching and training to new employees. It is a great opportunity for both the company and the employees to have a â€Å"fresh start. †No previous experience, no particular habits and tendencies would make it possible for the new staff members to adjust to the corporate culture faster and easier. Obtaining the most qualified individuals with special mannerism and attributes that meet the required criteria for a position at WestJet should be an imperative part of the hiring process. Picking the right employees would guarantee the WestJet’s culture to continue. The employees and the top management would be happy and that would provide a superior communication process. Great communication process means no missed opportunities, faster and efficient issue solving procedure, and leading the company effectively towards its main goal – customer satisfaction. All things considered, WestJet is a very successful company that has a potential to keep growing yet bigger and enhancing its accomplishment. In order to reach to company’s objective, they need to sustain the most important factor leading to its success – happy employees and happy guests. This can only be achieved if the business protracts its corporate culture. With the purpose of doing so, it is recommended that WestJet implements the training and coaching strategy when hiring new staff members and makes sure that the individuals the hire fit the company’s beliefs and values. As soon as they reach that goal, the process of expansion should not have any effect on the success of the company.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
White Fang by Jack London
White Fang by Jack London Free Online Research Papers I read a book called â€Å"White fang†by a man named Jack London. London was trying to explain to the reader the realities of life in the wild for an animal. He focused on getting our attention towards how they adapt to the wild and fend for themselves. This story is about a half wolf/half dog named White Fang. White fang was born out in the wild. He was forced to learn the laws of the wild. He learned how to earn his food and protect himself from harmful animals. White Fang learned his boundaries on what he could do and not do. Though it takes time and effort to learn it has to be done to survive and he accomplished it. I believe that there was a moral in this book. I may be wrong but this is just my opinion. I believe that Jack London is trying to teach us that we all have to learn the laws of life. Were all are going get hurt or get into some sort of trouble. We just need to remember that there is a solution to any problem. I thought that this was a great book for me to read because it helps me get a better understanding of where I stand in the world. It reminds me that I know I will fail, that’s a fact of life. But, if I give something an effort I can accomplish it. I could not say anything to negative about this book because it has a moral in it that I think everyone should learn. If reading this book gave me a better look on life it should help you also. I would recommend this book to anyone. Once you pick it up its one of those books that you don’t ever want to put down. It has exciting parts through the whole book so it keeps you entertained while you’re reading. ? Research Papers on "White Fang" by Jack LondonBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonWhere Wild and West MeetStandardized Testing19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsQuebec and CanadaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenCapital Punishment
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Islam, a Religion of Peace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Islam, a Religion of Peace - Research Paper Example However, Islam is largely misunderstood and therefore feared in the western world. I have good friends, as does everyone probably, who actually thinks a good percentage of Muslims, followers of Islamic faith, are terrorists who are intent on jihad (religious war) and instilling Sharia Law all over the world. People fear what they do not understand. I don’t think a clearer example exists than the current Islamophobia gripping the nation. This has resulted in the discrimination and hate crimes directed at Muslims. This leads me to ask the question, who are the real terrorists? Education is the key to understanding and a peaceful coexistence between different faiths and cultures. My paper will give a brief overview of Islam in an effort to help bridge the gap of understanding. The Prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the year 622 in the city of Mecca located in what is today the nation of Saudi Arabia. Of the world’s great religions Islam is the youngest yet because it is an extension of Judaism and Christianity Muslims do not consider it newer. They think of it more as the refined version of a very old religion. All three have the same stories featuring the prophets Moses, David, Abraham and Jesus. Most people I’ve talked to had no idea Jesus is a large part of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam.... The word ‘Islam’ is taken from s-l-m, a root-word in Arabic meaning peace and submission. Islam means submitting to the will of God. A Muslim is one who submits to God. Living an Islamic life generally means adhering to the Five Pillars of Islam: â€Å"publicly bearing witness to the basic affirmation of faith; saying prescribed prayers five times a day; fasting during the month of Ramadan; giving a tithe or alms for support of the poor; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during the believer's lifetime, if this is possible.†(Wuthnow, 1998). The Qur’an is not viewed as a new revelation of God separate from its family religions but instead a more accurate and complete version therefore the final edition of those faiths. When Muhammad died in 632 A.D., Muslims were confronted with the challenge of preserving their faith so they created a hierarchal system of leaders called khalifahs (cliphs) which means successors to the Prophet Muhammad but not t hemselves prophets of God. The initial four caliphs were friends of Muhammad. Most Muslims believe their rule which lasted from 632 to 661 was the age of the ‘Rightly Guided Caliphate.’ A great expansion of the Islamic faith occurred during this period of time. Muslims conquered the Persian Empire known today as the Islamic Republic of Iran and took Syria and Northern Africa away from a crumbling Roman Empire. Within just a few short decades Islam expanded from a small village in the desert of Arabia to include territory that stretched from Africa to Asia. From the tenth century to the sixteenth the caliphs effective power ended but the area of the Muslim world
Friday, November 1, 2019
Answer One Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Answer One Question - Assignment Example This implies that obtaining a substantial market share is the â€Å"holy grail†of entrepreneurial marketing. Penetrating a marketing on the other hand is always the daunting task. As such, marketers must always strive to acquire the pitching customer. This requires the development of a brand that will attract one major customer who in turn secures the longevity of the brand by enhancing its market share. The success stories of such leading entrepreneurs as Nike, Nestle, Heineken and Vodafone among many other similar entrepreneurships that operate and enjoy profitability globally continue to portray the importance of the target market in marketing and the need to acquire an anchor customer to help position the brand and safeguard its mass acceptance. Dong this requires the use of the various marketing principles and tools, marketers must always carry out extensive marketing researches and analyses thereby discovering appropriate companies to partner with and the effective marketing tools to use in order to win a substantial market share for the entrepreneurship. This requires the entire entrepreneurship to operate as a brand. The anchor-customers help create an entrepreneurial brand one that operates deficiently yet effectively. As stated earlier, marketing is a vital function of management mandated with the determination and cultivation of the market for a particular product or service. The market is the customers who purchase the product thereby sustaining the company’s profitability. This validates the need for the determination of a customer with the capacity to anchor the product to the target market (Molly 7). The anchor customer could be any corporate organization or a particular region that unilaterally accept a particular product. Achieving this requires the company to either develop an appropriate niche marketing that ensures that the brand wins over the specific portion of the market. Various global brands succeeded in
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