Monday, September 30, 2019
Long period of time Essay
I was lucky to interview someone from the RTW Garments industry and whose day seems endless from deadlines and fast phased fashion trends to chase. He is Mr. Dave Smith. He graduated in an art school, majored in advertising and decided to pursue Graphics artistry as a career. What do you like/best worst about your job/work? What I really love about this job is the access you get to the latest trends in graphic designs and the fashion shows that only few famous people that works in the industry knows of until it hits the magazine stands sort of a VIP pass. Well, developing new trends is also one of those and also seeing other people buying and appreciating your work would be the most rewarding thing that can happen. Well, the worst would be getting your most loved works be rejected for its not in season, its out of budget or for some insane random reason they have up their sleeves. Office politics sometimes kicks-in too but that’s another thing. What are the steps necessary to break into the field? It was hard at first breaking into the industry when you want to make it big as a fresh graduate. The worst part about it was, the companies taking advantage of your status. I experienced being paid below minimum wage for quite some time, and all that you’re left to do is be patient and gain experience from all of it. But with my goal at an aim on my mind, I’m now in one of the leading brand there is in this industry. The basic would be getting to know what software to use and why. Some of it is Photoshop, Corel, Illustrator and Freehand. Another investment that you must have is a quirky imagination to stand out and create something new. If you don’t have it, you must know the latest trend there is and what sells in the market, have a market survey and what appeals most of your target market. Browsing through magazines and the internet is a must to survive, for it helps you formulate what other possibilities there is in a particular design/look you want to achieve. There’s also the printing aspect of it, which a graphic artist must also be armed with. So that you’ll know or have a peek of the end result of the artwork you did. It’s definitely a plus if you know at least some of it. What is a typical day like for you? A typical day for me would be buried in the computer for a long period of time. As in long, until I can dig a hole in my chair at the office. Its either you search for references for whatever seasoned collection your boss wants you to do, what your mind ticked you to do, or you’re doing promotional item before you knew it. Well, in the place I work in I never had a single day without having a new assignment to work on. What are some related occupations to your profession? As a graphic artist, you can choose which field to specialize in. You can be in the garments, in a printing company, product development division, as photo editor, as a company’s only graphics artist who’ll do their collaterals. There are really so many job opportunities as a graphic artist, as long as it involves photo editing and vectors. Do you see yourself doing the same job till you get older? Yes I do see myself being in the business till I age. I mean, it pays well to people who are experienced, who perseveres and also as long as I feel that being a Graphic artist fulfill my purpose. One thing more, if you really enjoy what you are doing you, you felt the fulfillment in every thing that you do, definitely you will stay on the job your in. What made you decide to pursue this profession? I decided to pursue this because it makes me feel accomplished as an artist, as a designer, as a human being who appreciates art, it makes me feel happy that at the end of the day I know I can make someone feel confident, happy, at-home with their statement with my designs. It’s like I liberated someone from being a fashion victim, because I care for what other people look like, and because its feels great to lift someone up in a different way. I do believe that Fashion is good for the soul every once in a while. A boost of confidence one design might give, getting your message across through the artworks’ you did. It’s all worth-it even though the deadlines are next to impossible sometimes, and the revisions are inevitable, but still I have to go up there because I know in my own way I’m helping other people feel good about themselves. After this interview I had, I have a deeper reason why I should pursue to be a Graphic artist. With all the things my interviewee mentioned, I have a deeper knowledge and appreciation of who I want to be. Whether what field of graphics designing I want to concentrate on. There are really so many choices. I’m sure I can pick out something that I like among it. I know it will take me a lot of hard work, patience, and determination to be able to achieve my goals. In addition to that the job also pays well, I don’t mind being in front of the PC for such a long time, as long as I know that I can express my ideas and thoughts very well thorough the means of designing and I have to agree also with what Mr. Smith told me, that it feels great to make someone better through your work, and that’s really fulfilling as an artist.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How does society shape people’s lives? Essay
The aim of this essay is to explore how society shapes people’s lives. The meaning of the word â€Å"shaping†in this context means to â€Å"influence or affect†(The Open University, 2013, YO32 p 29). This essay will focus on Childhood: Body image and stress related eating disorders, from Block 4, Unit 3 and Psychology: Social influence, happiness and natural and synthetic happiness from Unit 5. Society has shaped us to embrace a rather different body image to that of 100 years ago to the point where being slim is now considered the norm (The Open University, 2013 Unit 3, 3.2). There has been a shift from the plumper body image seen in paintings dating back to the 19th century, to the ultra slim catwalk models of today. As there has been a shift in body image, there has also been a shift in eating habits (The Open University, 2013, Unit 3, 3.2). It is now less likely for families to sit down together and eat the more traditional three meals a day, with young people now more likely to favour energy dense fast food diets (NSHD) (n.d.). The National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD) (n.d.) recommends that young people should take regular exercise and have a minimum of 3 thirty minute sessions of exercise per week and drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day. The pressure society places on young people to conform to the ideal body image has led to many adolescents developing stress-related eating disorders (The Open University, 2013, Unit 3, 3.4). There are three main eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and binge eating (The Open University, 2013, Unit 3, 3.6). Disordered eating is a mental illness in which the patient severely restricts their calorie intake. Although girls are mainly affected by anorexia a significant number of boys are also affected (the Open University, 2013). AN is quite different from BN giving sufferers of BN cause to overeat and then purge to make themselves sick, thereby controlling their weight (The Open University, 2013, Unit 3, 3.4). It could be argued that the media’s portrayal of the ideal body shape may lead to young people developing eating disorders. The evidence suggests the Press may be partly to blame, and that society is ignoring a cry for help. Quoted in the Daily Telegraph (Jardine, 2013), Kate Moss said â€Å"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels†– comments like this add fuel to the argument. Worries about physical appearance lead to low self-esteem and a need to control weight, which may lead into a cycle of depression and a further loss of confidence (NIMH) (n.d.). Eating habits have changed significantly in the post war period (Young’s, 2004). Young’s points out that these changes in eating habits and the abundance of food now available, in part due to the role played by supermarkets, fast food outlets and the growth in international travel, could also be having a detrimental effect on body image. The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2004) reports 10% of children are overweight lending support to the argument that body image in the media may influence the young. Eating disorders such as AN and BN are attempts by young people to be in control of the way they look and are portrayed by society , which may influence their happiness. The influence of our social roles within society, whether in our work or home lives, will affect our happiness in our individual roles (The Open University, 2013 p47). Influences on happiness and unhappiness may include factors such as being in employment, strong family support, a good network of friends and a sense of belonging (The Open University, 2013 p48). Being active and keeping one’s mind active is also an important part of being happy and having as many different sources of interest as possible may contribute to this. People who are less active and have fewer contacts may be unhappier than those who don’t (Layard, 2005). How one perceives happiness may vary with the socio-cultural environment in which they were brought up, with people in Western society being generally happier (White, 2006). The influence of happiness on our everyday lives contributes greatly to the way we feel about ourselves. As a species we have evolved a mechanism by which we can make up almost anything. Gilbert describes a mechanism he defines as an â€Å"experience simulator†, which means we have the ability to imagine a situation before it actually happens (The Open University, 2013 p51). Another term introduced by Gilbert is â€Å"impact bias†, which broadly means that within 6-12 months following an apparently life-changing event, one will be as happy after the event as before. Gilbert explains â€Å"real happiness is what we get when we get what we want, as opposed to synthetic happiness which is what we get when we don’t get what we really want†(The Open University, 2013 pp50-51). It could be argued that if we play a certain role we can synthesise a greater sense of happiness. The evidence suggests that whatever our role in society is, we have an ability to find the best in every situation. Layard (2005) points out that our societal roles play a major part in perceived happiness. Gilbert (The Open University, 2013) points to scientific data that would seem to confirm Layard’s view that a person’s sense of happiness can be influenced by how we live our lives. Gilbert presents two sets of experimental data as evidence that happiness can be synthesised. These sets of data were from only a small sample size and the results may not be representative of society, so further research should be undertaken. One’s individual sense of happiness, whether synthetic or real, will reflect on how society in general operates. In the author’s opinion, having a happy society can only be good in creating a happier world. Conclusion Society has shaped us to believe that body image is all too important, as we are constantly bombarded with a view of the perceived ideal. Looking good would appear to make us happy, possibly more so during our youth, but there are obviously many other factors that can contribute to happiness. References (All these references have been visited) Jardine, C. (2010) ‘Eating disorders in the young’, The Telegraph, 29 September 2010 [Online]. Available at health/ children shealth/8030962/ Eating-disorders-in-the-young.html (Accessed 16 May 2014). Layard, R. (2005) Happiness: Lessons from a New Science, New York, Penguin. National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) (n.d.) [Online]. Available at health/ publications/ eating-disorders/ index.shtml (Accessed 14 May 2014). National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD) (n.d.) [Online]. Available at 21 May 2014). The Open University (2013). Block 4, Unit 3, Childhood: society, food and children. 3.6 different eating disorders [Online]. Available at (accessed 23 May 2014) The Open University (2013). Block 4, Unit 3, Childhood: society, food and children. 3.2 healthy eating [Online]. Available at (accessed 23 May 2014). The Open University, 2013. YO32-13J. Block 4, Unit 3 Childhood: society, food and children. 3.2 healthy eating [Online]. Available at (Accessed 30 April 2014). The Open University, 2013. â€Å"Block 4 society, Unit 5†. Psychology, society, selves and happiness, p47. Milton Keynes, The Ope n University. The Open University, 2013. â€Å"Block 4 society, Unit 5†. Psychology: society, selves and happiness, p48. Milton Keynes, The Open University. The Open University, 2013. YO32 People, work and society access module. Assessment guidelines, p29. Milton Keynes, The Open University. White, A. (2006) â€Å"University of Leicester produces the first ever world map of happiness†[Online]. Available at ebulletin/news/press-releases/2000-2009/2006/07/nparticle.2006-07-28.html (Accessed 24 April 2014). World Health Organisation (WHO) (2004) ‘Fight childhood obesity to help prevent diabetes, says WHO & IDF’, WHO, 11 November 2004 [Online]. Available at mediacentre/ news/ releases/ 2004/ pr81/ en/ (Accessed 20 May 2014). Youngs, I. (2004) ‘My wartime menu’, BBC News Online, 30 June 2004 [Online]. Available at 1/ hi/ magazine/ 3847041.stm (Accessed 23 April 2014 ).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Character Analysis Of Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet English Literature Essay
Character Analysis Of Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet English Literature Essay Juliet, daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet is beautiful and begins the play by being naà ¯ve about love and marriage. As she enters her teenage life she appears innocent with a remarkable character. She feels affection for Romeo, the son of Montague’s, their greatest enemy. She goes into great lengths disobeying her parents and even forging her own death, just to be with Romeo Montague. At the Capulet party, Juliet meets with Romeo and she falls for him even though she had agreed to marry Parris. However, she is suspicious of his intentions as he is from an unfriendly family, Montague. To prove the sincerity of his love for her, she requests him to marry her. Juliet’s love for Romeo makes her to forgive him when he kills her cousin, Tybalt. She opts to marry Romeo even though it is risky than to marry Paris. Juliet also shows a new stage of maturity by forgiving her nurse’s disloyalty and breaks her parents bond as well as her nurse’s. Though suicide is c onsidered as a negative option in life matters, Juliet uses it to demonstrate the strength and dedication of her love for Romeo. Juliet loves: This is shown when Juliet decides to marry Romeo, a Montague, from family enemy. She agrees to marry him because of the undying affection she feels for him, even though, she was supposed to marry Parris. Also because of her coming from a noble family she lacks freedom to wander around the city unlike Romeo. At midnight she climbs over walls and also gets into midnight swordfights. This also demonstrates her courageousness. Because of her love, she forgives Romeo for killing her cousin. Although suicide is at all times an unconstructive choice, for Juliet it is her last demonstration of the power and dedication of her love for Romeo. Juliet is forgiving: She forgives her love Romeo who had killed her cousin Tybalt. Her courageousness is also seen when she entrusts her whole life to Romeo and not believing the worst reports about him when he ge ts into a fight with her cousin. She is also able to shut her confidant, her nurse out of her life when she turns her back to Romeo. The nurse is considered a comic and vulgar figure in the play. She makes lewd comments and lengthy speeches which help to provide breaks in the tension of the misfortunes happening. The nurse loves Juliet so much than her mother and goes beyond anything to make Juliet happy. She cared for Juliet her entire life. As a result, she accepts to be the mediator between Romeo and Juliet. She organizes a wedding night and helps the two to get married. However, she is unable to understand the reason for Juliet endangering her life for Romeo; she prefers her leaving a relationship that is not easy to maintain and marry Parris who has a soft life. To her, love is sexual and practical unlike Juliet refers to love as passionate and idealistic. The nurse’s advice to Juliet is considered as betrayal and costs their friendship. Due to this, Juliet decides to es cape than confiding in her closest advocate. Similar to everyone else in the play, the nurse faces failure and sorrow.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Innovation and Creativity of Entrepreneurship Commercialisation and Essay
Innovation and Creativity of Entrepreneurship Commercialisation and Innovation - Essay Example With his signature black turtleneck long-sleeved shirt and unpretentious Levi’s jeans, Jobs commands the stage when he speaks of Apple and its products. Fanboys are just about as eager to fall in line in the stores for hours just to get their hands on the company’s new offering. Now comes iPad. The hype and expectation for the product’s launch kept people on the edge of their seat, ready to get up and run to buy it. The name sells itself. The small letter I followed by the capital letter P is a class all on its own. This device is a 9.7 inches diagonal wide weighing in at 1.5 pounds touchscreen tablet that ranges from $499 for the 16 gigabytes memory and up to $829 for the 64 gigabytes enhanced with built-in 3G capability. The technology is nothing new. Back in 2000, it was no less than Bill Gates himself who introduced a keyboardless computer at the Consumer Electronics Show (Comdex). Gates assured everyone that was present that it will be the future of computing. This was the first time Microsoft unveiled the tablet PC. The following year, they showcased it again in the same conference. The lack of keyboard and low specifications contributed to why people never got a hold of the product. It was quite expensive, heavy and flimsy for its exorbitant price (Grossman, p.25). Apple’s iPad is basically the same technology but with the design sensitivity which is their signature. As Grossman it in his article â€Å"Launch Pad. It’s Here. It’s Hot. But What on Earth is iPad for?†aptly puts â€Å"Apple’s engineers knows something those other companies don’t: form has trumped function†(p.25). This reins quite true with Apple’s proverbial products. The iPod first initiated this revolution of an earbud-pressed population slinging the gadget which ranges in size and color and has more generations that you can recall of your own family. The iPod kept getting
Thursday, September 26, 2019
3D of shoe and tire impressions in forensic evidence Research Paper
3D of shoe and tire impressions in forensic evidence - Research Paper Example This paper discusses the three-dimensional (3D) impressions of shoe and tire track in forensic evidence. It looks into the value of footprint and tire track evidence, preservation and photographing of the evidence in addition to casting of the impressions. Perpetrators of many crimes usually leave tire track or footwear impressions at the scene of crime. These impressions, if in dirt or mud, can be readily visible, but if on other surfaces, for instance footprints on linoleum, they may be undetectable by the naked eye (Levinson, p1444). Footwear, an example of primary evidence, is very important since on its own, it is potentially conclusive devoid of other strong evidence. There are at least three kinds of footwear evidence including footwear insole impressions, footwear outsole impressions, plus footwear trace evidence. Whenever something physically contacts another, it either takes a portion of the other or else, it leaves a portion of itself - a theory that Edmond Locard developed, and that crime scene investigators as well as physical evidence analysts use. They hold the assumption that since crime perpetrators must enter and exit the scene of crime, there may be traces of their footwear, or in case they used a vehicle, a track o f its tire. To avoid eyewitness recognition and leaving fingerprints, crime perpetrators normally wear masks over their faces along with gloves over their hands respectively. They however make little effort to cover up footwear and tires. Footwear evidence thus, when the investigator of a crime scene appropriately collects and preserves it, and then a footwear expert examines it keenly, becomes an important source of evidence in criminal investigation that helps in proving or disproving an individual’s presence at the scene of offense. Unfortunately, disruption or failing to secure the scene of a crime appropriately may result in the destruction or neglecting of this form of impression evidence.
Marekting Concepts - Classic Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Marekting Concepts - Classic Airlines - Essay Example In addition, there are high levels of uncertainty in the firm. These uncertainties range from reduced customers to a flight of a half full aero jet. As a result, there is a considerably increased charge to cater for these uncertainties. The fact that there are a number of other airlines is a challenge by itself. Competition is high in this business and leads to a reduction in the number of customers with time. Since the year 2005, there has been a problem in customer loyalty. Existing customers (even today) are trying other airlines hence switching from Classic Airlines. Due to the prominence of the first four airlines, this particular one has lost market (Kotler & Keller, 2006). Due to the tough economic times, costs of most items go up by day. Labor and fuel go up at an alarming rate and at times fluctuates. It makes competition for Classic Airline a big challenge, therefore. In a move to try fighting these challenges, this airline had to call for a crisis meeting which cost the company a lot to finance for the transport of major stakeholders as well as cater for their sitting allowances. There was some workforce downsizing, which affected the company a great deal. When experts are sent home, this is the beginning of trouble; less work will be done by the few remaining workers. Machines are deemed to fail at times. According to University of Phoenix Material (n.d), many lives have been lost in this mode of transport. Paying salaries for the expensive expertise becomes a challenge and the burden is transferred to the customer. As noted by University of Phoenix Material (n.d), Classic Airlines have one of the challenged corporate cultures in the world. On the contrary, there are departments that are not working to realize the requirements of their customers. For this reason, there has been a problem in bringing together some of the company processes and operations. There is the use of customer relationship management that is catered in the marketing
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Compare and contrast how relationships between men and women Essay
Compare and contrast how relationships between men and women - Essay Example Steeped in melancholia, under the deep mask of genteel urbanity of sterile beauty lies the battleground of the sexes where men must baffle the women into submission and women must restrain their natural urges to trick men into marrying them. Belinda like an ideal of such nubile aspirations yearns for calculated gains that are not necessarily moral. The actual relationship between men and women has been classically mocked and shown to be the prey of machinations and utter confusion that is hardly resolved. Ironically the women are shown to be fair and unequal to men who posses the right to offend and encroach, while the women may only resort to restore and repress themselves, and their only weapon of injury to men are their "killing" eyes. (Last canto). Marvell's To His Coy Mistress does introduce his mistress as a passive listener, unlike the panting and raging host of women in Rape Of the Lock, but gives a semblance of a relationship that is metaphysically yearning to leap all boundaries of physicality and transgress the platonic boundaries that her shyness is imposing on them. The poet reveals the length of cajoling he would have indulged into had their love been just eternal in their physicality.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Estimation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital Essay
Estimation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital - Essay Example The paper also discusses the various project evaluation techniques like Net Present Value Method, Internal Rate of Return, and so on. The paper takes a quantitative approach for the explanation of various concepts in Capital Structure and Project Evaluation Techniques/Capital Budgeting Techniques. Cost of capital is an important phenomenon in determining the overall/weighted average cost of capital. In fact, the financial risk is judged by investors and other stakeholders in line with cost of capital and nature of capital structure. The overall cost of capital can be reduced and value of the firm can be improved by maximizing the debt content in the capital structure. But, as debt content goes on increasing, equity investors expectations about risk will also change. Investors feel risk in investment with highly levered firms and vice versa. Capital structure theories postulate the various possibilities of capital structure. It does not speak about which approach is most beneficial to companies in various situations. Capital structure is not a static phenomenon. It keeps on changing with every change in the mix of various sources of capital/fund. The profitability of a business proposal/ project can be evaluated in various ways using both discounted and non-discounted project evaluation methods.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 59
Nursing research - Essay Example The next process will involve identifying where I will apply the instruments of research by identifying any risks, accessibility, and relevance of the data. Finally, I have to establish that data collection will be effective by ensuring that the instructions were clear while the process of data collection was adequately supervised. Changing the status quo is a challenge that nurses face when implementing a solution that changed practice. In this case, it is not natural for people to accept the introduction of changes easily while they were accustomed to one routine in their practice. However, there are various ways through which a healthcare facility can ensure that the proposed change was implemented and accepted by all members of staff in an easy approach. By involving members of staff in every step of the process of designing the solution, members of staff will accept the proposed change due to their involvement with
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Racism in Philosophy of Hume and Kant Essay Example for Free
Racism in Philosophy of Hume and Kant Essay During the Age of the Enlightenment in European history there was high emphasis on the ideals of reason and individualism. Scientists and philosophers pushed reason as an ultimate guideline to reforming society and challenging its old traditions and faith. This was the philosophers’ attempts to further advancing our knowledge through scientific method. Things like skepticism and intellectual interchange were highly promoted during this period. The true way to gain rational thought was through the process of using logic to make tests and conclusions out of clear evidence rather than superstitious ideas. There are two important enlightenment thinkers, David Hume and Immanuel Kant who despite their high praise of reason and logic, share clearly racist views in their philosophies. Could these two enlightened thinkers actually be capable of contradicting their entire philosophy or could it just be pure ignorance? We are going to discuss what sort of racist views Hume and Kant share and how they possibly created the idea of racial differences. First we must discuss what the idea of reason truly is and what it has to do with human thought. Reason is ultimately what separates us human beings from animals. Animals physically cannot express reason. Reason is the mental capacity to be able to make sense of something. It is how we are able to apply logic to help create facts. Understanding of academics like math, science, and philosophy are attributes only humans possess. The ability to understand and appreciate art and beauty are examples of reason that animals have never shown. Animals may show desire for certain things, but that is not the same as appreciating the beauty of it. David Hume believes that all human beings share similar moral feelings. He does however believe that animals can feel sympathy which is one of the essential foundations of morality. Hume also believes that morality is entirely independent of religion and that morality is found deep in true human nature itself. He states that the belief in God is irrelevant to morality. This is similar to Immanuel Kant’s belief in human autonomy. He believes that human beings have their own free will and can think independently without being governed. Humans can be moral and free without the need of God’s divine support. Hume and Kant believe we have a right to faith but also in the possibility that it limits knowledge to make room for faith. They believe we can have faith in ourselves and be governed by reason rather than our animal impulses. The racism of Hume and Kant are most definitely reflected in their philosophic views. Hume believes in the idea of causation, which is the understanding between two events (one being the cause, the other being the effect) that the second event is always the consequence of the first event. Hume whole-heartedly believes that Europe is the model of all humanity and culture, that blacks are an inferior race. He considers their supposed inferiority to whites to be natural. He states that he has never witnessed any black manufacturers, artists, or scientists and that they are simply a barbaric breed of man. Hume falls into a fatal error of his own causality by saying that there is a causal relation between a person’s skin color and their intelligence. He is identifying that simply the color of one’s skin makes a constant difference between two races of men. This is horribly contradictory and morally wrong. Kant, despite all of his beliefs in that all humans can understand morality and reason, he singles out blacks as totally inferior in these very human attributes. Kant has actually dismissed a person’s statement and position as stupid without a moment of analyzing the content because the person was black. This is extremely contradictory to the sorts of logic and reason a true philosopher should have when regarding any human being whether white or black. The two philosophers show a huge lack in open-mindedness when it comes to anyone non-white. The supposed racial differences that Hume and Kant seem to believe there are have no real proof or logic behind them. This is truly ignorant of both Hume and Kant and it’s surprising that two important philosophers in history could actually believe in ideas that are so close-minded and completely illogical. There is simply no morality or rational thinking behind these false judgments. Kant stating that he has never seen black artists or scientists just sounds like he hasn’t looked beyond his backyard window. Although Kant does indeed believe that all humans are born free and that level of intelligence does not determine who deserves to be a slave to another. Despite this positive belief, he still believes blacks are inferior. As intelligent as their ideas of sharing knowledge for the advancing of mankind sound at first, it is truly sad that they are only speaking for one single race rather than ‘all’ human beings equally. Their racism does indeed cast much doubt on their Enlightenment understanding on what a person was. There should not be such a disregard for the possibility of equal opportunity among all human beings. Peoples’ idea of race is purely subjective and there really are no significant differences. The only true racial differences are geographical. Skin color has nothing to do with one’s mental capacity and ability. Works Cited Denis, Lara. Kant and Hume on Morality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, 26 Mar 2008. Web. 7 Mar 2014. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/kant-hume-morality/. Maduka, Enyimba. Racism and Philosophy. Racism, Philosophy, and African Thought . izuchukwu, 20 Apr 2005. Web. 10 Mar 2014. http://www. frasouzu. com/Issues and Papers/Enyimba Maduka etc on Racism, Philosophy and African Thought. pdf.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Environmental Ethical Issues And Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Environmental Ethical Issues And Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Environmental ethics is the ethical relationship between people and the environment in which we live. There are many ethical issues and decisions that people make, within the respect of the environment. Environmental quality is necessary for human life. People rebuild their environments every day. The environment is filled with artifacts, soil, air, water, and the different climates. Culture and nature all play a special role to the environment. (pg. 518 ethical issues). One of the environmental issues that most attracted my concern is air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm to people and other living organisms, or damages the natural environment into the atmosphere. Air pollution is one of the significant causes of health problems all over the world. Outdoor environments contain infections, allergens, irritants, and chemical toxins. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that are in the air. Air pollution; have found their way into the atmosphere. These can harm the quality of life and cause many diseases. Pollution is inhaled by the throat, nose, and lungs. These pollutants enter the body and cause infections, such as; colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and the lists go on and on. Air pollutants can be natural or human-based. Some of the natural pollutants are by natural gases that are released from the atmosphere. Human-based pollutants are from smoke from factories, carbon dioxide, and molds. Pollutants can be found outdoors and indoors. These pollutants can be trapped in buildings, houses and not even know they are there and most are odorless. Indoor air quality is a lack of ventilation indoors concentrates air pollution where people often spend the majority of their time. Radon gas, a carcinogen, is from the Earth in certain locations and trapped inside houses. Building materials including carpeting and plywood emit formaldehyde gas. Paint and solvents give off organic compounds as they dry. Lead paint can degenerate into dust and be inhaled. Intentional air pollution is introduced with the use of air fresheners, incense, and other scented items. Controlled wood fires in stoves and fireplaces can add significant amounts of smoke particulates into the air, inside and out. Indoor pollution may be caused by using pesticides and other chemical sprays indoors without proper ventilation. The World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths due to indoor air pollution. Studies suggest that more than 500,000 Americans die each year from cardiopulmonary disease due to breathing fine particle air pollution (EPA). The health effects caused by air pollutants may range from biochemical and physiological changes to difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency room visits, hospital admissions and premature death. The effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but affect the bodys respiratory system and cardiovascular system. Reactions to air pollutants depend on the type of pollutant a person is exposed to, how bad the exposure is, a persons health status and their genetic genes. Why is air pollution dangerous? Health reasons: pollution has been linked to numerous types of illnesses, such as, strokes, heart disease, and breathing problems. 2) Global warming: air pollution is responsible for global warming. This leads to gradual, but persistent increase of the temperature of our planet. It affects ecosystems as well as the atmosphere. 3) Ozone layer: air pollution causes the ozone layer to shrink, reducing its ability to protect us from ultraviolet radiation. This not only causes skin cancer, but will also damage wildlife and plants. 4) Acid rain: certain pollutants can cause rain to turn to acid rain. This also has an impact on animals, fish, and plants that are soaked in the rain. Acid rain can also affect the ground making the soil toxic to many plants and animals. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are six common air pollutants, and are found all over the United States. These are ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead, and particulate matter (also known as particle pollution). These all can harm your health and the environment, and also cause property damage. Of the six pollutants, particle pollution and ground ozone are the biggest health threats.(EPA) For each of the pollutants, (EPA) tracks two kinds of air pollution trends: air concentrations based on actual measurements of pollutant concentrations in the outside air at selected monitoring sites throughout the country, and emissions based on engineering estimates of the total tons of air pollutants released each year. Despite the progress made in the last thirty years, millions of people live in the countries with monitor data showing unhealthy air for one or more of the six common air pollutants. For (EPA) most recent evaluation of air pollution trends for these six pollutions. Another form of air pollution is caused from industrial farms. Confined animal feeding operations pollute the air in many ways, letting off foul odors, airborne particles, greenhouse gases, and numerous toxic chemicals. In the United States, industrial farms are the leading producers of substances such as nitrous oxide, and ammonia. US farms produce more than 400 different gases, in addition to dust and airborne particles, generated during the handling and disposal of manure. Air pollution from industrial farms can cause a lot of health problems in agricultural workers, in residents of neighboring communities, and in farm animals. Many industrial farms do little or nothing in this regard. People that live near hog farms often have increased respiratory problems. A number of studies have demonstrated that fatigue, depression, and mood disturbances occur in higher proportions in people living near such facilities. An environmental effect, of air pollution from farms directly affects, the environment, through the production of nitrogen and some of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. About 80% of the U.S. ammonia emissions came from livestock manure. (EPA) Atmospheric ammonia and nitric oxide-both produced on farms, contribute to what is known as the nitrogen cascade, in which each ammonia molecule can in sequence, impact atmospheric visibility, soil acidity, forest productivity, terrestrial ecosystem biodiversity, stream acidity, and coastal productivity (National Academy of Sciences, retrieved 8/22). Conclusion: The only logical solution is that everybody needs to find a way to reduce air pollution in the hope that eventually, someday, is eliminated.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Humorous Wedding Speech by Friend of Groom :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Humorous Wedding Speech by Friend of Groom Ladies and gentlemen, thanks Gary for those kind words. It has been a pleasure for all us attendants to play a small part in your big day. Before I say a word or two about the groom, what about that dress Jeanie is wearing? It has attracted so much favorable comment from the guests here that I have to give it a special mention. You look stunning Jeanie! When Gary asked me to be his best man I immediately thought of the speech. I saw it as an opportunity to talk about a great hero of mine†¦ a wonderful, handsome, kind-hearted man who is admired by many. But then I showed it to my wife and she ripped it up saying, ‘For once in your life Jason, talk about someone other than yourself!’ But unlike many of the best men you’ve probably encountered over the years – who were either old school friends or childhood friends of the groom – Gary and I actually met about six years ago. So not knowing an awful lot about his past, I made enquiries – at his local police station. I thought that would be a good place to start digging for dirt. But they had nothing to say†¦ except that he was the perfect guest whenever he stayed over. Next, I sought advice from his parents as to what he was like. ‘A model son driven by the ambition to succeed,’ was the answer from his mum. ‘A gentleman, a scholar and a sportsman,’ said his dad. Now, I know what you're all thinking - is this the same Gary? Well, all of this was indeed contradicted by his brother Stewart, who informed me that as a child, Gary was cheeky, naughty and the loudest kid on the estate. And as you may have judged from his earlier speech, not a lot has changed. To get a different perspective on the star of the day I contacted Gary’s school friends. Unfortunately, none of them volunteered any information – except one, who said his nickname ‘PlayByYourselfGary’ should provide some indication of his popularity with the other pupils. In the end I visited his old school to speak to some of his former teachers in the hope they could provide me with an amusing story to tell. The first person I got hold of was his math’s teacher of five years.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow
Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production.
The Effects of Kates Birthmark in Jill McCorkles Ferris Beach :: McCorkle Ferris Beach Essays
The Effects of Kate's Birthmark in Jill McCorkle's Ferris Beach "'It's a birthmark', my mother said over and over. 'Lots of people have birthmarks'"(p.44). In Jill McCorkle's Ferris Beach, Kate Burns has a birthmark. The presence of her birthmark causes Kate to be shy and self-conscious. It is her weak spot, affecting how she perceives both herself and others. Because of the focus Kate's birthmark draws to her face, she places great importance on appearance. Kate's stress on the way things look affects her relationships with everyone around her and especially the women in her life. Through most of the novel, Kate's relationship with her mother is clouded by her relationships with Mo Rhodes and Angela. It is not until Kate is able to look past mere appearances and see these women clearly for what they are, that her relationship with her own mother can begin to grow and develop. Kate hates her birthmark. Even more, she hates her mother's attitude about her birthmark. Kate desperately wants someone to blame for her birthmark and someone to have pity for her. She "always wanted to say that if it was a birthmark it must be her [Cleva's] fault"(p.44). Her mother, however, is unsympathetic and explains, "I just want her to see that she can't let this ruin her life; there are things we just have to accept"(p.48). Kate's mother tries to constantly remind her that things could be worse and she shouldn't whine. But during her early childhood years, Kate's birthmark does affect her and it is hard for her to accept. Kate feels that her birthmark is an open invitation for others to hurt her. She becomes extremely self-conscious as she puts up with teasing by Merle Hucks and R.W. Quincy. Covering her face with her hand becomes an automatic reaction. Kate's attitude about her birthmark and her attitude towards her mother become a source of tension in their relationship. S he hates that her mom simply will not apologize for the birthmark.. Kate begins to hate her mother for her lack of compassion and so she seeks other women with which to form bonds. Mo Rhodes and Angela become substitutes to compensate for the close relationship that Kate lacks with her own mother. Mo Rhodes is the epitome of a "cool" mom. When the Rhodes' move in across the street, Kate is intrigued by Mo and overwhelmed by the chance to get to know Misty, a friend her own age.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
An Unforgettable Memories Event: Watching a Concert
An Unforgettable Memories Event:Watching a concert My unforgettable memories event was watching my favorite singer group:Super Junior’s concert. For me,a 16 years-old student at that time,it was so excited and unimageble to me to see my favorite idols with my own eyes. I even couldn’t sleep easily at the night before. On that day,I was bubbling with excitement and went straight to the venue–Taipei Arena. When I first arrive at the venue,I was astonished because of a great of crowd of people there. It was really a surprise to me that so many people were also their fans like me and most of them were at the same age like me.When we got in and sit our own seat,the lights were turned off and the staff anouced that the show was about to begin. And all the fans there lit on their Sapphire Blue light stick,which is Super Juior’s symbolic color, and the venue was filled with this color,like a pure blue ocean under the moomlight. When singers started to sing,fans sing with them and shout the slogan between the lycris loudly and with one accord. It made me feel their vigor and spirit. Most importantly,when I finally saw the singers with my own eyes,my heart almost leaps out with excitement!I saw the people who were always on the youtube or TV,now they are stand in front of you vividly! It couldn’t describe how excited I was then on the paper,but it still stay in my mind with high-definition till now. Many people think that go to a concert for idols is stupid and it’s making track for the star,but it was still a special mempry for me. And it noticed me that if you like a singer or a group,you should go to one of their concert to feel how their live show bring you and you will never get disappointed. It will be an unforgettable memoris ever in your life!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Martial Law in Philippines Analysis
Martial Law in Philippines Angelique M. Musni BSED Physical Science 3-1 Mr. Roel Robles History Analysis October 12, 2012 Martial Law in Philippines I. Introduction Martial Law was proclaimed by Ferdinand Marcos the 6th president of the Philippines on September 21, 1972. Dictatorial in which he will able to control, rule, and manipulate people through his power. He was a topnotch law student. Since he argue at the Supreme Court accusing him as a murderer, because of his ability as a sharp shooter. He quickly gained supporters because of winning against it. Even in his love life he considered it as a political. Related article: Reflection Paper About Martial LawHe married Former First Lady Imelda Marcos for his own intention. He has his own plan that’s why he proclaimed Martial Law. He wanted to stay as a president for longer time. II. Content In a documentary I watched Garcia (1997). He said that 1969, elections came around when Marcos run for his second term, and that was the dirtiest, fraudulent ever. When that election came rise in dollar out bared. That was the most expensive election. On 1971 after the Plaza Bombing, Filipinos don’t have trust, due to disappointment to Marcos. Marcos opponents in that election won that’s Liberal party in which people who became the victim of Plaza Bombing.On 1972 all of the people contradict to Marcos or his enemies were arrested by police and the military. Including Benigno Aquino became his mortal enemy. Many people arrested. Nobody knows what is happening because all of the media controlled by Marcos all you can hear is just mu sic. The government set Plebiscite to produced new constitution but soon he realized that he might lost because all people are in favor for Benigno and Diokno so he changed it to voting through raising hands, even kids were allowed to vote and then they will going to ask, who wants free food, because of poverty many people will raised they’re hands.Marcos did consult to Richard Nixon about his plan. Richard Nixon didn’t stop him because Richard wanted to prevent the spread of communism. New constitution formed under military rule, whose purpose is only for him. All of the people against him were go to jail, and worst is killed there are also Filipina Women who got raped. Media were being controlled by him, only government can control media only favorable news about them were being reported. At first country showing good economy, but as soon the truth revealed, continuous corruption occurred. People don’t have right to express their freedom.The result of this is the decreasing economy, increasing debts. Support of America Government vanished as they realized that Marcos didn’t works towards democracy. Many Filipino people suffer in this authoritarian government. Armed Forces of the Philippines are the one who accompanied the rule of Marcos. Even his friend Primitivo Mijares chief propagandists on the regime of Martial Law of Marcos, but sooner became the enemy of Kokoy Romualdez, brother of Imelda Marcos. He even breaks off unto regime of Martial Law. Primitivo wrote a book named â€Å"The Conjugal Dictatorship†.He exposed the truth behind Marcos regime. Including his love life affair to an American artist do exposed in the book. Later Mijares disappeared many people believed that Marcos agents at U. S. killed him. Until now the body of him has not been found. Incidents about abusing people don’t reveal on regime of Marcos. All of the media were remained working but they wouldn’t allow to revealed bad side about Marcos. He even abused many people and killed many innocent people. It was being proved that Family Marcos did abuse many people on the contrary they should pay ten thousandths people in return.Until now Marcos Family didn’t accept that they all abused many people Marcos stated that he will make the Philippines a Land reform area, he will going to distribute it on peasants. At the end of his term not more than four percent get their land. He even stole and get some of the companies of Lopez Family, Lopez Family were rich, owning lots of company, Marcos wanted it all, Geny Lopez was accuse to assassinate Marcos that’s why he arrested him. For Geny’s freedom Marcos ask to give the companies to him in return. Lopez, gave what he said, But Marcos didn’t give the freedom for Geny.He fooled Lopez instead. He won his freedom when he escaped from prison. Marcos makes a group consisting of his friends and relatives called Cronies. This group aims to have all the w ealth in Philippines. His wife Imelda Marcos did enjoy the luxury of her life, spending money of the government. . Imelda Marcos stated that there were no Filipino’s being executed or murdered at Martial Law times. Imelda Marcos been called as an Iron Butterfly because of her beauty and toughness of steal. She’s been the secret weapon of Marcos. She became the minister of Human Settlements.She signed deals on different country. She even put all up some buildings, many people said that Imelda spent 1 million US dollar, just for her daughter’s wedding. Involve the renovation of the said Church for the wedding after several months due to earthquake the Church collapsed. Another one is the Manila Film Center, this building been rushed for the said occasion. According to the reports the two floors collapse and many construction workers died and even buried on the Film Center, Imelda Marcos denied that there are no people buried at the Film Center she said she never l eft dead people there.Today Manila Film Center is an empty useless building and now, planned to demolish. For sort of reason U. S America under Jimmy Carter, Marcos push to do the National Assembly Elections. With that Benigno Aquino allowed to run but not to campaign, but he had given a chance to appear on Television on March 10, 1978. With the help of Benigno Aquino and others they formed a new alliance that is against Marcos Regime which was named â€Å"Laban†. They believed that many of their votes won’t be counted so they think that they should make a noise barrage. This noise barrage last for one night.Benigno Aquino didn’t wont at the election because of cheating. The rich Filipino exiles in US make a movement which was called â€Å"Light A Fire Movementâ€Å" and â€Å"April 6 Movement†this aim to strengthen many Filipino’s to write and speak for their freedom. 1918 Philippines economy got weak. U. S. president also changed and that is R onald Reagen. Santo Papa will visit Philippines so Marcos removed the Martial Law and do the Presidential Election. Marcos won, against his opponent. Through cheating he won and the rumor was Marcos was the one who funded the opponent so that people would believe that was true.Nothing changed when it comes to his power. Marcos forced to give freedom to Benigno Aquino because of his sickness. He’s afraid Benigno Aquino would die in prison and blame by many people. After that, Benigno continue fighting at U. S. Benigno Aquino planned to go home in Philippines but he didn’t allow by Marcos regime, He faked his passport for him to be able to travel. By the time the airplane landed he was shot by the gun. Former Senator Aquino died. Many Filipino’s attended his burial and gave their Sympathy. This Reason made Filipino people to continue and fight for their freedom.This lead to People Power I. Marcos did surrender because of threat that people will kill him. Corazon A quino wife of Sen. Benigno Aquino, give way for the restoration of Philippine Democracy. III. Analysis In an article I read Bajala (2012). He said that he have fully realized the merciless oppression of the dictator. He has known some of the countless stories to be told by prominent characters and also ordinary individuals of their experiences during one of the dark ages in the Philippine history. He has seen the struggle of the country to regain democracy.Filipinos has fought for it since the past. From the Spaniards, to the Japanese then to the Americans. Filipino had won them all. The Martial Law is never an exception. The people once again showed their love for freedom, both in peaceful and active rebellions. We had shown our unity as we stand for our rights. We will always be fighting of whatever forces that might hinder us from our goal, to live progressively in a democratic nation. Well for me, Marcos is like Hitler who only wants satisfaction with their own self.A very selfi sh man who doesn’t even try to think about others, even said to people that he want only to serve his own country but revealed that he only want power. Filipino people ones proved that we can overcome many struggle. I have seen that lots of Filipino at Martial Law continued fighting just to get their freedom and regain democracy. Filipino proved that not all Filipino’s became afraid on fighting back their freedom. Even they suffered a lot. They still have hopes to continue. Marcos, became too greed that he doesn’t even think others life. I felt angry to Marcos. And felt Pity for people who abused by Marcos.I am proud of what Benigno Aquino and his wife done in our country. Benigno even made sacrifice also his wife for the democracy of Filipino people. They are heroes. Heroes, who don’t hesitate on helping they’re own fellowmen. They don’t show fear, instead they became brave and make Filipino their inspiration. So we Filipino’s we sho uld protect and give importance to the democracy given us by late Benigno and Cory. They were one’s a Filipino who aims to have a peaceful and prosperity life. We should thank them for what they did. Reference: Garcia, H. ., Apostol, E. ., et al (1997) â€Å"Batas Militarâ€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Myths According to Joseph Campbell
Kevin Gerbier What is a myth? When one thinks of a myth perhaps one thinks about a story being told by the fire, or a dramatic tale about an invincible hero, or perhaps a cosmological occurrence that caused everything to be. Personally, when I think of the word myth, I think of the ancient Greeks or Romans with their many gods and goddesses; however, to most, the story being told by a myth is simply that, just a story.To most the term â€Å"myth†has been confused for a legend or folklore. The truth of the matter is however, that to religious scholars, a myth is more than just a story; a myth is how a society’s religion came to explain what seemed the inexplicable. With modern science booming and being capable of explaining the events that our ancestors could not, there has been a mix up on the term â€Å"myth†and on the function that it plays in the religious backbone.As a scientist, when I hear the word myth or that something is simply a myth, I understand tha t as being false or completely untrue; or, when people in south America are told the horrendous story of the â€Å"chupa cabra†that is simply disregarded as a â€Å"myth,†a folklore invented by someone who may have seen an animal they did not know and simply disguised it as a monster. The reality of the matter however, is that, scholarly, a myth is as true as anything else can be. This does not necessarily mean that when one hears the story of the great flood it literally means that god flooded the entire world.A myth can be based on historical facts or none at all; the facts are not what make a myth true but it is the story that inspired it and the content of it. A myth is simply a metaphorical poem telling a story that explains the human encounter with the unknown. This is where the religious aspect ties in with the scholarly view of myths. Every religion has it’s own story or â€Å"myth†on how the universe was created, how humans came to be, where l ife came from, and so on. These stories show a kind of relationship with the supernatural and the mortal beings.Myths began as stories that were told by word of mouth; eventually however, they began to be written and in a religion’s sacred writings. From these written down myths, the teachers or the wise from each religion can interpret the metaphorical story that has been passed down from older generations of that religion and enlighten those who follow it. The importance of myths is how it functions and plays a role in a particular religion and society. Joseph Campbell was a mythologist and a writer. He believed that myth was in fact non-fiction and that it played a great role in how it functioned with religion and beliefs.He wrote The Hero’s Journey where he outlined four major components that gave a function to myths. These were that, first myths produce a mystical function, myths also have a cosmological function, myths posses a sociological function, and finally myths have a psychological function according to joseph Campbell. The mystical function of myth is meant to keep the believer in awe and be able to experience first hand the power of the divine through the story. The stories are meant to engage the listener or reader so that they can relate to an extent beyond their comprehension.This function places the believer in a humble state when the realization of how miniscule they are compared to their â€Å"god. †The mystical function unites the believer with the â€Å"transcendent reality†to which they originated from. This function is meant to instill a sense of faith to that which cannot be directly seen but is felt when engaged in the story. The cosmological function of myth is one that can be seen less in our advanced society due to all the scientific research that has discredited many of the sacred texts’ stories on creation and many other subjects the divine.For example, the Christian myth about the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, and the forbidden tree could once have been seen as factually true. With modern science as an ally, we are no longer confined to that story as an explanation to our beginnings. The cosmological function however is meant to do just that, narrate a divine story that explains that which inexplicable at the time the story was created. The third function of myths is the sociological function; this function of myths can be trivial and sometimes twisted and turned for a select group’s own benefit.Not only do the metaphorical stories told in myth explain how the world functions or came to be per say, but also they leave teachings of social order and divine order. An example of this can be seen in the Bible where homosexuality is said to be an â€Å"abomination. †This type of lesson leads the believers in straying away from that sort of behavior because their god frowns upon it. The sociological function is also meant to build a better society by instilling a sense of morals, ethics, and customs upon the people.The problem with this type of function arises when zealots begin to use the rules and orders set in their sacred texts to their selfish needs and neglect the rest. The final function of myths is that they possess a psychological function and this may perhaps be the most important one of the set. This functions links the believer with him/herself and helps them with internal struggles they may have at some point by being able to relate to a â€Å"hero†in the mythological story.Such hero can be seen in the story of Lot found in the bible; Lot faced many hardships and struggles because god was testing his faith through them. Once his struggles were through and god saw that Lot did not lose faith in him, Lot was rewarded in multiple amounts to more than what he had before his hardships. This kind of story tells the believer that no matter what they might be going through they are being tested for a greater purpose. This is the type of self lesson that the psychological function of myths posses.The term â€Å"myth†is a term that is thrown around very loosely in our society to describe something that may be untrue or with a fictitious background. As discussed, the term is much more than that and has some truth to it. Stories in myths were told as metaphors and had truthful insights and lessons behind them. Myths serve a mystical, cosmological, social, and psychological function that allows believers to relate to the stories in a much different level. A divine level perhaps. Myths connect the believer to their divine entity, to the society they are living in, and to themselves.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
My favourite book Essay
Nowadays a lot of people think that the more people have TV or Internet in their homes, the fewer people will buy books. It’s often thought why to read long novels, when a play on TV can tell you the same story with colours, pictures and actions. But I’m certain, that books are still popular, becouse it’s a cheaper way, than to go to the cinema and also you can keep a book forever and read it many time. My favourite book is written by Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970), German-American novelist, born in Osnabruck, Germany, and educated at the University of Munster. He served in the German army during World War I. During the war he wrote his first novel †All Quite on the Western Front†, it became an internalional bestseller. I’ve read a lot of novels by Remarque, but most of all I like â€Å"A time to live and a time to die†published in 1954. This novel is about Soldier Ernst Greaber, who is doing military service at the Russian front . One day he gets a short holiday homeward. Once arrived in his native town he learns about the despairs and dissapointment the war has spread over the country. The town is bombed down, parents, friends and relatives are vanished. On the desperate search for his missing parents he meets a former companion of his youth Elisabeth. They marry , but unfortunately Ernst must leave his native town and departure back to the front. Just arriving in Russia Ernst is involved into the midst of a conflict. When he gets a lift and has an opportunity to leave the war, he refuses†¦,becouse the his troops are losing. At this point Ernst perish. The main character Ernst Greaber is a sensitive, just and loyal person. From his point of view this degrading situation in his native town is much harder to him than the fight taking place at the far away Russian front. Graeber partly sees himself responsible for the †horror†, but cannot find a way out of this devastating outcome of the war. Elizabeth is a pretty young woman, but inhibited by fear and worry of war. From my point of view I believe that Remarque showed the serious conflict between extreme idealism and humanity clearly and with a sensible feeling. He described the heroical fighter as a person with feelings. On the other hand, he described the victims of the war, Germans the same as Bolschewists precisely and showed the controversies in the arguments of the National Socialism. To my mind, I think this book is one of the greatest pieces of war literature because it sdoesn’t give just an objective scenery is given but also questions are delivered which encourage to give some thought.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Diabetes and its Complications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Diabetes and its Complications - Essay Example Chinese patients with diabetes have the highest world-wide rate of incidence of, and mortality from, cardiovascular complications. According to the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the co-existence of hypertension and Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease more than 50%. More than half of Chinese patients admitted after a stroke are found to have diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes is a leading cause of kidney failure, and nephrosis is an enormous threat to diabetes patients. Diabetes-related kidney disease accounts for 10-30% of diabetes-related deaths and the earlier the onset of diabetes, the higher the risk of developing kidney disease. Diabetic neuropathy is the most common complication of diabetes - studies suggest that up to 50% of diabetics are affected. Neuropathy can lead to sensory loss and limb damage, and is a major cause of impotence in diabetic men. One of the most costly complications of diabetes is foot disease, especially in communities with inadequate footwear. Diabetes is the most common cause of non-traumatic amputation of the lower limb. This may be prevented by regular inspection and good care of the foot. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness and visual disability. ... In developing countries treatment is inaccessible to the majority of the population. Psychological symptoms are common to those who suffer from diabetes for five years or more - more than 90% of diabetics experience some kind of mental crisis. In China, more than 20% of Type 2 diabetics also suffer from depressive symptoms. Symptoms are linked to the incurable nature of the disease and complications, as well as the fact that diabetics must carefully monitor their diet and treatment. The risk of developing depressive symptoms increases over time. Obesity and overweight are major risk factors in developing diabetes, because these conditions have a strong effect on insulin resistance. A survey conducted on obese diabetic patients demonstrated that an increase in BMI1 from 22 to 23 -25 increases the incidence of diabetes by a factor of four. With a BMI of 35 or more, patients are 40 times more likely to become diabetic. The Da Qing IGT and diabetes study (Table 4) shows the incidence of Type 2 diabetes during a six year follow-up period. There is a fourfold increase in incidence of diabetes in those with a BMI 27 compared to those with a BMI 24. Clearly, higher BMI increases the risk of diabetes. In Asian countries BMI is a less reliable indicator of disease, because the WHO criteria for obesity are based on Caucasian populations. A Hong Kong study shows that using the WHO criteria, the prevalence of obesity in Japan and China was 3%. While there are many indications that the risk of Type 2 diabetes is closely related to BMI and waist circumference in the Chinese population, this risk emerges with a smaller increase in BMI and waist circumference
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Critically discuss the key elements of positive practice relationships Essay
Critically discuss the key elements of positive practice relationships with children and their families. To what extent are they influenced by different settings in childrens services - Essay Example According to Cohrssen, Church and Tayler, â€Å"close relationships enable early childhood professionals to better understand individual children and their broader cultural contexts†(n.d., p. 4). Accustomed engagement between a grown up and an infant is a feature of a responsive relationship. Responsive engagement comes inform of caring. According to Cohrssen, Church and Tayler, â€Å"throughout the early years, learning takes place in the context of relationships; the relationship between a teacher and a child may have a special influence on children’s development†(n.d., p. 7). The child teaching practice in this case begins from the parent and family member. Tassoni (2005) urges that for children to feel nurtured and valued, the way in which they are handled should change according to the child’s need. The environment where we live and operate has a great impact in our lives. Equally for children, their living and operating environment has a great influence in their lives and must be ensured, safe and healthy. The child’s physical environment is full of potential and opportunities for them to learn about things, people and other children. This learning can inspire, encourage or challenge the child. It is therefore the duty of educators to make this environment comfortable and interesting to children, thus providing a rich opportunity for children to achieve experience, learn and develop. Early childhood assessment includes making observation, documenting and making other assessment strategies. According to Couchenour and Chrisman â€Å"effective teaching of young children begins with thoughtful, appreciative, systematic observation and documentation of each of the child’s unique qualities, strengths, and needs†(2013, p. 339). Proper observation gives proper insight on how children develop and respond to opportunities and challenges in their lives. In recent times,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Globalization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Globalization - Assignment Example Hence this can be seen as a positive from the domains of the World Trade Organization (Berberoglu 2005). The negative aspect of the World Trade Organization is that the not so rich countries are at loggerheads with this organization on a consistent basis, and thus the reason that there are serious disparities in the working of this global body. The critics therefore pinpoint the latter point because they believe that the drawbacks offered by the World Trade Organization are so severe that there are no chances for reverting back the time and hence bringing about any sanity within the relevant ranks. The two different viewpoints are very staggering and offer a differential perspective if seen with regards to the World Trade Organization. It is true that the World Trade Organization is indeed acting as a global organization and that globalization has happened for all the right as well as wrong reasons under the aegis of this
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Pathophysiology of hyperglycemia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pathophysiology of hyperglycemia - Essay Example This occurs as a result of increased production of Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) as a stimulus to stress; this has the effect of stimulating the production of cortisol which triggers glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, therefore, increasing the blood glucose levels (Fowler, 2009). This stimulus to stress has been called a life saving mechanism to reset the normal optimum conditions in the body. Pathological conditions may also increase blood glucose levels by increasing the level of cortisol. These include Cushing’s syndrome due to adrenal hyperplasia and adenocarcinomas of the adrenal gland (Miller, 2010). Administration of exogenous steroids like prednisone leads to hyperglycemia. The pituitary gland secretes hormones which stimulate the production of other hormones that have a role in carbohydrate metabolism (Nikolic & Jovanovic, 2009). Any lesion in the pituitary gland that increases the levels of these tropic hormones also increases the levels of blood glucose increases. For instance, ACTH secreting adenocarcinomas increases ACTH levels in the blood, which, in turn, increases blood glucose levels via the actions of cortisol (Ruderman, 2010). Conditions that lead to an increase in Thyroid Stimulating Hormone levels (TSH) levels induce to an increase in absorption of glucose from the intestinal tract and basal metabolic rate via the actions of thyroid hormone. Growth hormone produced in the anterior pituitary has anti-insulin effects and any condition that increases its levels during acromegaly, thereby increasing blood glucose (Marino, 2008). Catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine increase blood glucose level via beta and alpha receptors and inhibit the secretion of insulin via alpha receptors. Conditions that cause increase in the levels of these amines are adrenal gland tumors (Miller, 2010). Pancreatitis is another condition that causes hyperglycemia (Pfaff, 2008). This
Monday, September 9, 2019
Downsian Model of Party Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Downsian Model of Party Competition - Essay Example he parties will gravitate towards the median voter in a system where there are two parties when the preferences are in a distributed format (Persson and Guido 12). There is also a corresponding ideology that voters will choose parties that are closer to their policy preferences are what they would like implemented as a matter of policy in the electoral contest. Downsian Model of Party Competition As already stated before, the Downsian model of party competition has got the assumption that parties formulate policies aimed at winning elections in that parties try to maximize their votes and that the median voter theorem applies. The median voter theorem referred to in the Downsian model of political contests holds that if all the policy preferences of the voters are peaked or looked at from a single dimension, then the most preferred point of the median voter is a point known as a Condorcet winner that all their preferences converge. This implies that there exists a policy that is pref erred in comparison to another that it may be paired with that makes parties not want to propose another platform that may not be a winner in an election. Therefore the Downsian model of political competition in a scenario where there are two parties gives a Nash Equilibrium where the party platforms can only converge to the median voter showing that divergence is more common due to the polarization of most parties depending n the preferences of voters. However, there are two requirements that must be fulfilled for the Downsian model to work which include the existence of Condorcet and the competition among parties to reach it. This is because the existence of the Condorcet winner is necessary for the Downsian model of competitive politics to possess a predictive power in the electoral... Downsian Model of Party Competition It explores what platforms that political parties acting in the interests of their candidates best espouse in an instance where voters have single-peaked preferences in an undimensional policy space. With the knowledge of the distribution of the median voters and their ideal points, the two political parties in the Downsian model can choose where to place their platforms in the policy space as the platforms serves as the candidate’s default policy position. It is imperative to note that if the candidates do not adopt the preferred position of the median voter, then their political parties too will not together implement the median voter’s median ideal position, as the parties prefer to differentiate from each other in terms of ideologies. The closer the two parties are and their positions, the more intense the candidates will compete to win the elections with the parties trying to move away from each other to carve a space for their policy space in order to win the elec tions without much repositioning. This shows that in the Downsian model, while competition may drive the candidates together, it absolutely drives the political parties apart in political competitions. In most political contests and competitions, the strategies that the candidates choose in an election campaign and what they emphasize has got a direct bearing on the vote choices and the final outcome. If the distribution of the ideologies in the society is constant, there will be an equilibrium meaning that ideologies are stable over time.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
MPH522 - Public Health Law and Policy, Mod 4 Case Assignment Essay
MPH522 - Public Health Law and Policy, Mod 4 Case Assignment - Essay Example He did challenge this decision in several courts but lost and was ruled against by the Supreme Court (Barnes et al, 1993). We will attempt to show that this decision falls under the utilitarian ethics principle. Utilitarian ethics can be defined over all as a decision that is made as the best decision for the most people. The case is a utilitarian ethics case though it also has the element of paternalism which is deontoligic in nature. In this case, it could only be seen that they were making this decision for the greatest good because it was a decision that ruled against the single person and saw the law in the light of a bigger picture. The Supreme Court, in this case made a decision that did not agree with the single employee because it would have led to a loss of the ability to protect future employees from injury that they themselves may not protect themselves against. This is the way public health law works. The public, the law, as well as the courts have had some difficulty in determining what justice is when it comes to a case like this one (Kass, 2001). Does this also protect the company? The answer is of course yes. However, this again is a decision that is made for the largest nu mber, not for the individual. It does not feel right to us because we have a tendency to look for justice in the sense of the single human instead of the group. It is also so easy to see that the company is not only concerned about the employee but that this is a serious illness brewing and if allowed to continue will be a large burden on the resources of the company so in the end the decision is meant to protect the employee, the company and employees of the future. The second part of the Utilitarian principle is that the decision is extrinsic in its features and that the outcomes of the decision were extrinsic in nature. This is certainly true here. This decision will affect
Examine and reflect how the practice of entrepreneurship today, in an Assignment
Examine and reflect how the practice of entrepreneurship today, in an ultra competitive environment, - Assignment Example An entrepreneur is not a surveyor having the apt maps and data at one’s disposal, but rather an explorer that has a hunch that something marvelous exists, at the very next turn. It is about the ability to take risk, about trying new permutations and combinations, about exploiting the till now ignored resources and above all, a willingness to face and manage any possible resistance and opposition (Welsch 32). May sound conservative, but, in a way, all entrepreneurs could be deemed to be destructive. However, it is a destructive attitude with an innovative and creative bent of mind. Certainly, entrepreneurship gives way to innovation, which alters, recombines and realigns the already existing values and way of doing things. All entrepreneurs have a discontented heart. They know that going by the scarce resources at their disposal; it is only creativity and ingenuity that will help them to be a success. So, most of the entrepreneurs shatter the available stereotypes and models of doing business, and replace them with something new and untried (Assudani 197). Therefore, entrepreneurship and a creative rebellion go hand in hand. Truly speaking, an entrepreneur is to be considered an entrepreneur only so long as one is committed to innovation and change (Assudani 197). It is all about recombining and reformatting the available information and resources in ways that escaped the attention, or p ut to question the gumption of earlier generations. Hence, by their very nature, most of the entrepreneurial initiatives are bound to come across resistance and opposition. In the contemporary times, good business is about creating the right balance between innovation and tradition. While entrepreneurship helps a business break into new and untried grounds, tradition helps keep it on a sound and stable footing. Inability to manage and reconcile innovation and
Saturday, September 7, 2019
The ambitions of Henry VIII in the years to 1526 Essay Example for Free
The ambitions of Henry VIII in the years to 1526 Essay How successful was Wolsey’s foreign policy in satisfying the ambitions of Henry VIII in the years to 1526? (24 marks) The foreign policy of the 12 years following 1514 was Wolsey’s accounts have been written almost as if, during these years, Henry VIII only existed as a stamp and the decisions were made by Wolsey. It is apparent that Wolsey made most decisions on a day-to-day basis and occasionally took major initiatives without the King’s acknowledgement. Henry intervened decisively at times to redirect events at his pleasure. Wolsey has to look like he was implementing the King’s policies even if he was pursuing his own ideas. Henry played a more significant role in the formation and conduct of Wolsey’s foreign policy than has traditionally been suggested. It was argued that the aim was perused in order to preserve some influence for England in foreign affairs, by ensuring that no one attained such dominance that he could arrange matters without taking into account the interests of other states, such as England. The claim was that Wolsey followed this policy by threatening to give his support to whichever side seemed likely to be worsted by the other. It was maintained that this policy was generally successful in ensuring that England’s international status remained high. This is the orthodox interpretation, where the main idea is that Wolsey wanted to maintain the balance of power. However, J.J. Scarisbrick had serious doubt on the geniuses of Wolsey’s ambition to become Pope. He argued that Wolsey’s support of papal diplomatic initiatives was largely coincidental and happened because England and the Papacy shared common interests from time to time. Scarisbrick established a new ’revisionist’ interpretation based on the existence of a main aim and a preferred method. The aim was the established and maintenance of peace. The method was a variant of the old ’balance of power’ interpretation. He established this by claiming that Wolsey sought to achieve an ’unbalance of power’ that he tried always to join the stronger side, so that it would create a sufficient imbalance for the other side to realise that fighting was pointless. He claimed that this policy has not been more apparent to observers because Wolsey was not very good at implementing it and frequently made mistakes, which he attempted to justify by p retending that his aims and methods were other than they had been. Henry had a very aggressive policy on France, until he eventually decided on trying to become the peacemaker of Europe. Henry wanted to regain the lost territory in northern France so he could be seen as a Great War lord with visions of honour and glory, but also to challenge Henry V’s title of the last great English warrior. The first sign of this aim being put into place is the first French war from 1512-1514. However the first expedition on June 1512 was a disastrous failure as Ferdinand of Aragon and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian didn’t hold up to their end of the deal for an allied invasion. This shows Henrys naivety in foreign policy and the other European powers were using him to benefit themselves whilst sending him to his downfall. Wolsey gained his first experience of the duties and pitfalls involved in organising financing, transporting and feeding an army. Wolsey was blamed by many for the shambles that developed after the army landed in France despite the fact that he was a junior member of the Royal Council. However, Henry did not blame Wolsey and the manner in which Wolsey had conducted himself in correspondence with Ferdinand of Aragon impressed Henry. Despite this Henry personally lead an army of 25,000 across the channel and took Thà ©rouanne and Tournai in northern France and winning memorable battles such as the battle of the spurs. Wolsey was the Quarter-Master generally rather than the war minister. When a French force was defeated near Thà ©rouanne, Wolsey’s reputation as a master organiser was enhanced. The King’s growing trust in Wolsey enabled English diplomacy to shape, the guiding principle of which was to ensure that England, the least important of the three great western monarchies, was not left isolated against a Valois-Hapsburg alliance. Wolsey was the one who very effectively organised the second attempt on besieging France and made the peace agreements between the two nations in 1514, so it could be argued that the foreign policy towards the French at the time was policy’s that of Wolsey not Henry. Also in later years in the second French war 1522-25 Henry was yet again let down by his allies Charles V and Duke of Bourbon, which shows he didn’t learnt from previous experiences and is not very knowledgeable in foreign policy. Henry’s policy in France benefited him slightly by collecting a pension from the French, but is failure as it shows he can be manipulated by other powers and lost huge amounts of money on war. On a financial level the wars with France did have some bonuses one being the pensions they would receive due to the peace treaties. During Henry’s reign he managed to accumulate  £730,379 in funds from the French; however this was in no comparison to the amount spent on the wars which was  £3,545,765, so the pension was more of a consolation. D. MacCulloch quotes â€Å"Henrys demand for his pension was much more constant†which means he made sure he collected his money which shows he’s a strong king. Wolsey was unable to prevent the Emperor’s friends from persuading Henry VIII that England must take some military action against France. Francis chose to ignore the warnings he’d been given. An English army was sent to France at short notice in August 1523. In the sixteenth century, military action proved to be much less decisive than its authors had expected. Wolsey’s and Henry’s passing enthusiasm for armed intervention evaporated, and Wolsey was allowed to implement his original strategy of stalling Charles’ demands for action while he was attempted to negotiate a general peace with the French. But on February 1525, Charles secured the decisive victory that Wolsey had estimated to be so unlikely. In a battle that took place outside the walls of Pavia, in northern Italy, the unthinkable happened. Not only was the French army totally destroyed as an effective fighting force, but Francis I and most of his leading supporters were captured. This placed Charles in an overwhelmingly dominant position and Henry VIII was not slow to seek advantage of the situation. He realised that here was a rare opportunity to fulfil his intermittently held dream of securing the French crown for himself; Francis was prepared to launch fresh attacks on Charles within a year of his release. Henry had hopes of launching an attack on France while she was leaderless, but he was forced to abandon these when he was unable to raise the necessary finance. It shows that Wolsey was less enthusiastic about this, as shown by the lack of determination in making success of the ‘Amicable Grant’ which was supposed to fund for this. However Wolsey was certainly not diligent in encouraging the formation of an anti-imperial alliance (the League of Cognac) in northern Italy in 1526, with which France could associate in her efforts to reserve the verdict of Pavia. A further aim of Henry’s was to achieve everlasting honour and glory. He wanted to be remembered throughout the ages and to have a huge reputation in Europe and be among the great superpowers in Europe. He achieved historical remembrance quite easily from the many famous acts he passed; however he did bathe in a huge amount of glory and honour when the field of cloth of gold was held. This was a spectacular array of games held in Calais 1520 between Henry and Francis, it was meant to be a diplomatic meeting however no agreements were made, yet it did make Henry look good. However he failed on a lot of attempted invasions to France, but he overall succeeded in acquiring a degree of honour and glory in Europe. It seems that Henry and Francis viewed the occasion as no more than an opportunity to impress others of their wealth and international standing. The field of Cloth of Gold did nothing to advance the cause of general peace. If anything it created problems for Wolsey in convincing the rest of Europe that England was not taking sides in the already developing struggle for supremacy between Francis I and Charles V. Henry was most grateful to Wolsey for making it appear to the World that he was the equal of the two ‘super power’ rulers of Europe. Henry also managed to achieve success by maintaining links with the Netherlands. England depended on the Antwerp cloth market heavily as cloth was England biggest trading material at the time. Henry tried to maintain this link throughout, by allying with Charles V whenever he went to war, as Charles was in control of the Netherlands at the time. As years passed, Henry began to portray the image of being the peacemaker of Europe. Under the guidance of Wolsey Henry began to use the treaty of London in his own favour to try and achieve a peaceful Europe. It could be argued that Henry only resorted to this as he couldn’t achieve honour through war. However he undertook this role to try and make the country look good, cement his place at the top of the leader board in Europe and make England look bigger and more powerful than what it really was. He also used the treaty of London so he had alliance requests from Charles V and Francis I before the Hapsburg-Valois war, so he could choose which side would benefit him the most. In October 1518 the treaty was signed, with Wolsey being the organiser. England and France were the first signatories and within a few months, Spain and the Papacy also signed. It was a grandiose scheme’ intended to bind the 20 leading states of Europe to perpetual peace with one another. The plan was for all those states with an active foreign policy not only to commit themselves to non-aggression, but to promise to make war on any ruler who went against the treaty, thus making it impossible for any state to benefit from attacking another. Wolsey delivered an oration in praise of peace that was much acclaimed. This wasn’t actual topic that the Pope had organised it for, buy Wolsey changed it. This could be seen as Wolsey trying to get his own way and for his own gain, but it benefited himself, Henry and all of England. Historians have generally viewed this initiative as yet another example of Wolsey’s cynical self-interest. The public perception was that Wolsey was working to implement the Pope’s wishes because he was using the fact that he was acting as the Pope’s representative because he was Legatus a Latere. Others have maintained that he was merely seeking to satisfy his sense of his own importance by being seen to be the peacemaker (arbiter) of Europe, and to be treated as such during the extensive public celebrations that accompanied the unveiling of the treaty. Many believe that he was guilty of sacrificing national interests for personal gain. A Hapsburg-Valois conflict began when Charles was elected Holy Roman Emperor in 1519. This situation presented Henry VIII and Wolsey with both continuous opportunities and frequent challenges. Given the strategic position that England enjoyed, being able either to disrupt Charles’s communications between Spain and Netherlands or to open a new front in any attack on France, her favours were certain to be in great demand from the two major powers. Wolsey was called on to pay some of the price for his triumph of the Treaty of London. Francis I had been happy enough to receive his reward for agreeing to join the Cardinal’s ‘grand design’ but he had no intention of being constrained by its terms on conditions. Francis was determined to strengthen his position in Northern Italy by military action against Charles and his supporters. Charles called upon England another to come to his assistance to halt the aggressor. In August 1521, Wolsey travelled to Bruges in Netherlands in order to meet with Charles on the action to be taken. The agreement made with Charles was that an English army would invade France unless Francis agreed to make peace. The mere threat of English action would be sufficient to persuade France to make terms. Wolsey had experience of Francis’ stubbornness that he must have realised that a threat was likely to be insufficient. He was more than satisfied with the honour that his meeting with Charles had brought him. Henry however failed in securing his dynasty. He married his daughter Mary off to Charles V. However it failed because Mary and Charles did not have children. But, in 1514 Louis XII of France became a widower. Wolsey seized the opportunity to propose a Valois-Tudor alliance to be sealed by the offer in marriage of Mary, sister of Henry VII. With Henry’s willing consent, the marriage went ahead and the ensuring treaty gave Henry an annuity of 100,000 crowns and confirmed English possession of Tournai. The success of the negotiations had enabled Wolsey to cement his place as the King’s chief diplomat. Scarisbrick’s interpretation has not been replaced by an alternative straightforward explanation. This is because it has become more and more apparent that no coherent pattern ever existed in Wolsey’s approach to diplomacy. It is now widely accepted that there was no single guiding principle that directed his actions throughout his 15 years in power. At differing times he was motivated by selfish considerations, especially a desire to obtain more extensive or longer-lasting delegated powers from the Pope. The need to satisfy the expectations of Henry VIII to further what he considered to be national or papal interests and by an altruistic inclination to benefit mankind by creating an era of peace. It is impossible to detect if many or all of these motives were behind each decision he made. There is not enough evidence to judge the importance of these motives. So in conclusion, Wolsey’s foreign policy to a great extent, satisfied Henry’s ambitions because Wolsey did exactly what Henry wanted; even though he thought about himself a lot.
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